Democratic Party RIGS Senate Race? Attacks Green Party Candidate
Briahna Joy Gray hosts Matthew Hoh and Jill Stein to talk about the North Carolina Green Party’s fight with the Democratic Party and Democratic-controlled North Carolina State Board of Elections over the board’s denial of ballot access to the Greens.
North Carolina Senate candidate Matthew Hoh is enduring an all out attack from the Democratic Party to get him off the ballot. Why? Because he's running as a Green Party candidate. He got more than enough signatures, but the state won't certify them.
And Hillary Clinton's lawyer is involved in a cold-calling campaign in which agents representing themselves as Green Party members are trying to get people to remove their names from the ballot petition. It's a mess, but Hoh-- a former Marine with big-time anti-interventionist credentials, isn't given up. He's joined by 2016 Green Party candidate Jill Stein to discuss the barriers Greens face, and why they should have the full support of the left.
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