Elders Caucus in formation
A group of Green Party members representing 15 states have collaborated to create the initial components for building a Green Party Elders Caucus.
The Elders Caucus is working towards accreditation by the Green Party Party of the United States. The accreditation process requires caucuses to demonstrate proof of membership of 100 members from over 15 states.
The Elders Caucus advocates for the celebration and use of the foundational roots of the GPUS: Ecology, Equality, Democracy and Peace in our work. The Elders Caucus strives to bring the many years of Green Party activism and life experiences of its members to bear on the critical struggles facing us today in our party, our nation, and our world.
We have lived the history of our Party. We believe that our institutional knowledge and experiences, combined with our continuing efforts and actions can empower Greens of all ages to engage in collaborative forward thinking to influence policies and incorporate actions that liberate, honor and empower us all.
We, Elders of the Green Party of the United States, aim to provide wise conceptualization, drawing on our collective wisdom, in order to provide good theoretical leadership for our party.
The Elders Caucus will provide educational materials on issues of special interest to elders to Green Party members and Green Party candidates, draft Green Party position statements, press releases, and platform amendments on issues affecting seniors, provide linkages to organizations that share Green party values that advocate for seniors, and promote actions on issues affecting seniors.
More information about the caucus in formation can be found here.