[Direct Action] Washington D.C. 6/30: End Fossil Fuels
The Green Party's EcoAction Committee has endorsed a June 30th climate action at the White House to demand President Biden stop pollution projects and address the climate emergency.
From Line 3 to the Mountain Valley Pipeline and beyond, President Biden must prioritize racial justice, Indigenous rights, housing justice and transit justice in the infrastructure discussions.
Join Green organizers at Freedom Plaza starting at 9:30am — look for a Green Party banner and email local contact David Schwartzman for more details and if you plan to come.
While fires rage out west and storms threaten the Gulf, President Biden is busy meeting with Republicans and failing us all on climate justice. Time is running out for him, just as it is running out for our communities. There is no room for compromise when it comes to the very survival of our planet.
On June 30, our demands for President Biden are simple and clear:
President Biden:
Use your executive authority to stop approving fossil fuel projects and declare a climate emergency. Fossil fuel pipelines, infrastructure, exports, and leases fuel the climate emergency, pollute in Black & Brown communities, and violate treaty rights. Act now to end the era of fossil fuel production, protect our communities, and Build Back Fossil Free.
Use your bully pulpit to make sure Congress includes strong climate, Indigenous rights, housing justice, racial justice, and transit justice commitments in an infrastructure bill. Build on the Thrive Agenda, to build a climate care economy, good jobs for all, an end to fossil fuel subsidies and a renewable energy standard!
Green Party EcoAction Committee
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