FinCom Workshops, 2010



FinCom Workshops in Detroit

9 am
basic expenses – only 5 people, discussion wide ranging
get interns from other than DC and work by email to get tasks done
get fundraising ideas from AK – Jim Lendall
would PDA share their list with us to show they aren’t just Dems?

10:45 am
beyond the basics – only 6 people
revive the CCC – way to support state parties –
lit, training, video training, as well as money

Green Pages
minimum of one hard copy per year for ANM
$8500 includes mailing to all contributors
suggested two fronts as Detroit piece
one side for outreach and one side for inhouse info

need process as CCC has
Update and improve map on website with more info
Link to Richard Winger’s site
List hopeless/most difficult states as well as low-hanging fruit
Differentiate those left as to size, potential candidates, history,
Volunteers available, etc.
Perhaps to matching funds

office assistant and/or stipend for interns
List of projects for interns or volunteers to do outside DC
Accountant – priority for Jeff
Hardware updates – have $1790 in IT fund
Merchandise – “Difference” cards, Peace Party buttons
Position papers – one-sheet available on line to print out for outreach