Thank you for your Year-End Donation!
We appreciate your response to our year-end phonebanking efforts.
The Green Party accepts no corporation donations because grassroots democracy is one of our key values. We appreciate you being a part of building a sustainable and equitable future for everyone.
And remember, if you donate over $100, we will also give you a free tote bag as a thank you!
If you'd like to become a monthly sustainer, the bedrock that supports our core operations, click here. (And if you're a sustainer of $10 a month or more, you will also get a tote bag!).
Your contribution to the Green Party of the United States means you're giving for social justice, you’re giving for the environment, you’re giving for non-violence and peace, and you are giving for democracy in the United States.
Thank you for putting people over profit as we head into 2018!
To donate by check, make your check out to "Green Party of the United States" and mail it to:
The Green Party of the United States
PO Box 75075
Washington, DC 20013
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