Green Party Endorses Sept. 17 March at UN to End Fossil Fuels
Call on Biden Administration to Halt New Fossil Fuels, Enact an Ecosocialist Green New Deal
The Green Party of the United States has endorsed the Sept. 17th March in NYC to End Fossil Fuels. More than 500 groups are sponsoring the climate protest which is expected to be the largest in the U.S. since COVID. Green Party members from throughout the east coast will march together at the event.
Green Party of the United States
For Immediate Release:
September 13, 2023
Gregg Jocoy, Media Committee Co-chair, [email protected] | 202-804-2758
Gloria Mattera, Media Committee Co-chair, [email protected] | 202-804-2758
Mark Dunlea, EcoAction Committee Co-chair, [email protected] | 518-860-3725
“It is time for the U.S. to say no to fossil fuels. Despite his campaign pledge, Biden has issued more permits to extract fossil fuels on public lands than Trump or any other prior president. The Democrats and Republicans continue to put the profits and campaign donations of the fossil fuel industry ahead of the need to save life on the planet, making the U.S. the largest oil and gas producer on the planet,” said Justin Paglino, Co-chair of the Green Party of Connecticut.
The Green Party first began calling in 2010 for an ecosocialist Green New Deal – incorporating a ten-year timeline to zero emissions and 100% clean renewable energy with an Economic Bill of Rights (e.g., guaranteed living wage jobs and income; universal single payer health care; quality affordable housing; free public education including college). The proposal included a halt to all new fossil fuels projects (such as fracking) while slashing the military budget and making polluters pay to finance the transition.
The march and rally will be held just before the United Nations’ September 20 Climate Ambition Summit 2023. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has demanded that world leaders come with a commitment to approving no new fossil fuel infrastructure and bring concrete plans to phase out existing fossil fuel production. The United States under both Democratic and Republican Presidents have repeatedly blocked efforts to adopt strong international agreements to halt the use of fossil fuels and to pay climate reparations to the developing world for the global warming driven by industrial pollution nations like the U.S.
“Standing up to the fossil fuel industry is a critical environmental justice issue at home and abroad. Fossil fuel polluting facilities are usually located in low-income communities of color, leading to negative health outcomes for local residents. The devastating extreme weather we have seen this summer in the U.S. and much of the rest of the planet show there is no time left for the all-of-above energy policies that the Democrats continue to promote,” added Joseph Naham, Co-chair of the Green Party of the U.S. and Green Party of Nassau County.
The March and rally are calling on President Biden to:
- Stop all federal approvals for new fossil fuel projects and repeal permits for climate projects like the Willow Project and Alaska LNG (liquified natural gas).
- Phase out fossil fuel DRILLING on our public lands and waters.
- Declare a climate emergency to halt oil exports and investments in fossil fuel projects abroad. AND lead a just transition to clean, community energy, starting with using the executive powers of the president as outlined in
March to End Fossil Fuels
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