Green Party of NJ welcomes to the “GREEN 13” candidate slate Robin Brownfield in CD-1 and Ben Taylor in CD-9!
Robin Brownfield is a well known artist & activist in South Jersey. She’s been an ally for those running to bring forward change in Jersey machine politics. She supports many issues including ending funding to Israel, calling for a ceasefire against Palestinians, enacting Medicare for all and a real green new deal.
Ben Taylor while attending Rutgers worked with organizers from student groups such as SJP, New Labor, & BLM. He witnessed the failures of the American political system during the financial crisis of 2008 & became a vocal critic of neoliberal policies. Ben is running for congress to give a platform to the important issues that resonate with communities across the district, the state, and the country.
We welcome both Robin and Ben and are collecting signatures for their petitions, building up their campaigns & shake up the status qui this November! Our slate is almost complete! Do you know anyone interested in stepping up even for a local campaign? Reach out to us today! Support our GREEN 13 candidates, register Green or pay yearly dues today to participate in our state annual convention on May 4th! Most importantly don’t forget to vote green this year!
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