Important information about the Green Party of Pennsylvania Presidential Primary
To vote in the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA) 2024 Presidential Primary -- either electronically or by postal mail -- you MUST request a ballot at by Thursday, February 8. 2024 at 11:59 p.m.; this is a one-week extension of the previously-published deadline.
If you do not request a ballot, you will not be able to vote in the GPPA primary.
Pursuant to decisions made at the last GPPA State Committee meeting, the ballot will include "presidential candidates [who] have submitted signatures to the Green Party of the United States Presidential Campaign Support Committee [GPUS PCSC] to have met their guidelines." The candidates most likely but not guaranteed to appear on the ballot are:
- DaShaun "Daví" Davis, New York
- Jasmine Sherman, North Carolina
- Jill Stein, Massachusetts
- Jorge Zavala, California
- Randy Toler, Florida
- Robert Cooke IV, Texas
A write-in option is also available by postal mail. Due to the limitations of the electronic voting software, you must request a postal mail ballot in order to write in a candidate. While electronic ballots are most efficient to process in terms of volunteer resources, we do ask that you request a mail-in ballot if you have concerns that your preferred candidate will not fulfill the GPUS PCSC signature requirement.
Finally, four statewide offices will be on the November 2024 ballot in Pennsylvania, and we are putting out a call for nominations to the following:
- U.S. Senator
- PA Attorney General
- PA Auditor General
- PA Treasurer
Nominations must be emailed to [email protected] by Thursday, February 8, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. Candidates will be selected at the GPPA State Committee meeting on Sunday, March 10, 2024.
Thank you,
Theron Gilliland, Jr. (he/him)
Green Party of Allegheny County - Executive Committee (Technology and New Media coordinator); Communications Team lead; Anti-Racism working group
Green Party of Pennsylvania - Co-Chair, Steering Committee; GreenWave Team lead
Green Party of the United States - National Committee (full delegate, Pennsylvania) Peace Action (GPAX); Platform; Outreach; Diversity; and Bylaws, Rules, Policies and Procedures (BRPP) Committees; Lavender Greens LGBTQIA+ caucus
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