Green Party of Santa Clara County: International Workers Day 2022
We GATHER at Roosevelt Park at noon — MARCH to SJ City Hall at ~ 1pm — Join speakers and dancer at ~ 2pm — Canvass for M4A at City Hall. Join Santa Clara Greens and the Santa Clara County Single Payer Health Care Coalition in their contingent on the International Workers Day 2022, as we march from Roosevelt Park to San Jose City Hall.
Petitions to form worker unions have increased by 50% in 2022, as huge corporate entities like Amazon and Starbucks with their teams of lawyers and massive anti-union marketing schemes are facing the might of a workforce that is discovering and yielding its power.
As the global pandemic raged on for three years, workers organized and formed alliances in their communities and across the country. Strikes and work stoppages were organized by laborers, teachers, nurses, and all the exploited essential workers. Workers have turned a small wave of union organizing in early 2021 into a tsunami we hope will continue to grow.
Let's honor May Day 2022 as the day we commit to the ongoing fight for a just, equitable, sustainable society centered on human and planetary needs, not corporate greed.
At the City Hall May Day Rally, SCC Single Payer's contingent will be doing a socially distanced canvassing for Medicare for All, asking people to sign the petition for the new #M4A Senate bill. Please join them in their effort!
Please Wear a Mask!
Green Party of Santa Clara County
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