Green Party Annual National Meeting schedule of press events
The 2023 Annual National Meeting of the Green Party of the United States will take place via Zoom, and will feature a series of events, workshops, entertainment, and strategy sessions.
Green Party of the United States
For Immediate Release
July 24, 2023
Gloria Mattera, Media Committee Co-chair, [email protected] | 202-804-2758
Gregg Jocoy, Media Committee Co-Chair, [email protected] | 202-804-2758
Deanna Taylor, Tamar Yager, Green Party National Meeting Committee, [email protected]
- When: Thursday, August 3 to Sunday, August 6, 2023
- Where: Virtual on Zoom
- Meeting website:
- Media credentialing page:
Media opportunities include press conferences with national Green Party leaders, candidates and officeholders hosted on a dedicated Zoom video conference. Reporters, bloggers, and other members of the media interested in covering the events, including press conferences, must apply for credentials. Details for all events are subject to change. A finalized schedule of events will be distributed to credentialed media in advance of the meeting.
Members of the media may attend all scheduled events but must identify as press in their screen names on Zoom.
Schedule of Press Events:
Media Must Be Credentialed in Advance to Receive Zoom Information
Time Zone: U.S. Eastern Time
Thursday, August 3, 12pm-1pm
Press Conference with 2023 candidates
Thursday, August 3, 1:30pm-2:30pm
Press conference with officeholders
Other Events of Interest to the Press:
Friday, August 4, 5:30pm-6:30 pm
Candidate Café - informal meet and greet with candidates and party members
Friday, August 4, 8pm-9:30 pm
The Young Ecosocialists (“YES”) caucus presentation “Young Greens’ Perspectives: Takeaways from the Global Greens Conference”
Saturday, August 5, 12pm-1pm
Candidate Café - informal meet and greet with candidates and party members
Saturday, August 5, 2pm-3pm
Keynote speech by Peter Kalmus, author of the award-winning book Being the Change: Live Well and Spark a Climate Revolution. He will talk about his efforts to lower his personal carbon output while creating a more meaningful life.
Sunday, August 6, 3:15pm-4:45pm
Ballot Access Committee presentation “50 State Strategy for Ballot Access in 2024”
The Annual National Meeting of the Green Party of the United States is held every year except the year of the Presidential Nominating Convention. Since 2020 they have been held virtually. For more information and a list of past meetings and conventions, see General information about Green Party national meetings.
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