Thank you for taking our year-end survey!
We appreciate your response to our year-end survey. Will you also support us by becoming a Green Sustainer?
Your monthly contribution to the Green Party of the United States means you're giving for social justice, you’re giving for the environment, you’re giving for non-violence and peace, and you are giving for democracy in the United States. You are supporting the core operations of our national party.
To the left, you can become a monthly sustainer, the bedrock that supports our core operations. Remember if become a sustainer of $10 a month or more, you will also get a tote bag!.
The Green Party accepts no corporation donations because grassroots democracy is one of our key values. We appreciate you being a part of building a sustainable and equitable future for everyone.
If you're already a sustainer and want to increase your monthly gift. Please email us here. We deeply appreciate your ongoing generosity and will send you our Green tote-bag as well.
If you'd like to instead make a one-time year-end donation, click here.
Thank you for putting people over profit as we head into 2018.
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