Help Decide the Greens' Presidential Candidate
The Green Party of New York will hold its presidential nominating convention on Saturday, March 23, 2024. The venue is still to be determined, most likely in the Albany-Troy area. We anticipate meeting in person with the option to view the proceedings via livestream. All registered Greens will be able to vote for the presidential candidate of their choice, via paper ballot in advance of the meeting, or in person at the venue. Save the date and stay tuned for more information!
As we have been doing, the Green Party of Monroe County (GPOMC) continues to organize to send letters and postcards to our "representatives" calling for a ceasefire in Palestine. Onceagain, we invite you to join us at Rochester's only cooperatively owned cafe, Anyone's Cafe.
Join us, Saturday, January 27th, any time between Noon and 3pm at 133 Gregory Street, 14620.
Even if you've already written letters to Federal representatives, there's more to do! We have resources to write letters to our district's Federal Attorney General, as well as local representatives. We need to flood our "representatives."
We'll have templates, paper, envelopes, and anything else you need to contact the people who need to hear from us.
In solidarity with the Rochester City-Wide Tenant Union, here's a link for an online petition to tell Mayor Malik Evans and City Council that we want rent stabilization in Rochester. If you live in the City, please take a moment to sign this petition.
And if you can, there is a meeting on Rent Control happening Tuesday, January 30th at 6:00 PM at Asbury First United Methodist Church. We hope to see you there!
Green Party of Monroe County
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