Help the Green Party of Delaware get a ballot line
The Green Party of Delaware wants to make sure that we ave a ballot line for our candidates in 2024, from our Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, other federal candidates, to down ballot local candidates we hope to recruit and support.
To do this, the state requires that at least 1/10 of 1% of all registered voters are registered in the Green Party. If the calculation were made today, we would fall a mere 46 registered Greens short of the threshold.
Can you help us cross that threshold by talking with your family, friends, and colleagues about the importance of registering Green and having a ballot line for our candidates? Our goal is to have 1000 registered Greens by the end of the year- we currently have 720.
It is easy to register to vote – or change party affiliation. It can be done online at .
If you are able to help register voters, the state hosts monthly trainings. Next training is December 13. Please sign up now at:
While we don’t yet know who the candidates will be, it is imperative that the Greens offer a choice for as many offices as possible. Perhaps you know some people who might make good candidates? Now is the time to start talking with them and encouraging them and starting to build campaign teams. The election is less than a year away, so it is definitely not too early to start!
Please help us cross the threshold to attain ballot access, share the registration link with friends, family and neighbors in Delaware. Let us know what you are doing to help, and if you have any questions. Contact Rick Lass (505) 920-0540 or [email protected]
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