Invest in a Green Future, Donate on #GivingTuesday
In this season of giving thanks, we in the Green Party of California are grateful for the tireless work of Greens across the state who live our Green values through service to their communities.
We are proud and humbled by all your work for a better world, from running for public office, organizing mutual aid programs, assisting unhoused neighbors, addressing food insecurity, to filling gaps in the pandemic PPE supplies, and so much more.
We invite you to help us commemorate this holiday by acknowledging the Indigenous Nations and Tribes whose history of sacrifices and suffering in making today's traditions must be told. We can do our part by learning and speaking about the ongoing inequities and injustices against the Indigenous people of our country.
The Indigenous Solidarity Network has developed a Rethinking "Thanksgiving" toolkit to help start discussions about settler privilege with family, friends, and our broader communities. Find it HERE.
Finally, during these difficult times we are reminded of all the privileges some of us may still enjoy while many in our communities suffer through the unprecedented crises of 2020. We can only move forward together so please share your blessings and pay it forward.
Invest in a Green Future
Donate on #GivingTuesday, Dec. 1st.
“…from little acorns mighty oaks grow”
Together, we can build the better world we deserve by working for a just, equitable and inclusive future.
Please invest in a Green future by donating to the Green Party of California.
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
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