Joshua Bradley for Raleigh City Council at Large
Joshua Bradley is running for Raleigh City Council At-Large in 2024 because he believes that working class people should have a seat at the table. He believes in the power of a city government that is focused on meeting the needs of all of its residents, particularly working people who deserve access to well paying jobs, affordable housing, and a voice in their city government. Join our campaign as we strive for a Raleigh for all, one that is community driven and committed to its workers!
Joshua was an activist with Occupy Raleigh, formed to resist the burden of excessive debt, the spread of widening financial inequality, and the planned indifference of government to public well-being. Joshua served on the Political Education Working Group of the Triangle People’s Assembly, investigating how these problems might be addressed from the perspective of workers. He is a current co-chair of the Northern Piedmont Local and a member of the Ecosocialist working group of the Socialist Party-USA, as well as a member of the North Carolina Green Party.
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