May meeting of the Green Party of Maricopa County
The Green Party of Maricopa County monthly meeting will be held May 20th Saturday 10:30 am at the Central Library 1st floor - 1221 N. Central Ave Phoenix, AZ 85004
Please mark your calendars and tell others who are interested in learning about the Green Party. Please let us know if you have any agenda items to discuss. Our meetings will be split between guest speakers/topics of interest and GP business. Let us know if you need to video in to the meeting and we will try to arrange.
Draft agenda items:
Guest speaker: Kristi Passarelli- Ass't Director, Office of Maricopa Cty Recorder
Upcoming events: David Cobb - Movement School for Revolutionaries (8/12)
We need to keep discussing MC ballot status and running Green Candidates in 2018. We MUST START NOW.
We are looking forward to seeing you on Saturday May 20th and together, continuing to build the Green Party in Maricopa County.
We also invite you to join our various social media sites and let us know if you are interested in helping maintain them with Green-friendly, current content:
twitter: @greenpartymc
instagram: greenpartymaricopacounty
snapchat: greenpartymc
FB: PAGE: Green Party Maricopa County (no volunteers needed)
FB GROUP: Green Party Maricopa County
We do not consent to:
- Donald Trump and right wing rule.
- the establishment and to corporate rule.
- empire and war.
- racism, deportations, misogyny, and xenophobia
#Become a Green Party Sustainer #RegisterGreen