Montana Secretary of State Website Says that Green Party is On the Ballot for 2024
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The Montana Secretary of State has listed the Green Party as a qualified party, after the party notified the Secretary of its new officers. There had been uncertainty about the party’s legal status. The Green Party was on in 2022, but because there were no statewide offices up in Montana, it was impossible for the Green Party, or any party, to poll 5% of the winner’s vote (the legal test) in a statewide race in 2022.
Ballot Access News
By Richard Winger
July 2, 2023
Old qualified parties in Montana have two elections in which to meet the vote test, but the Green Party was “new” (not having been on the ballot in 2020), so it would have been a violation of equal treatment to remove the Green Party for failing to meet the 2022 vote test.
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