Montana Greens announce agenda for state convention – May 13
Come join your friends, neighbors, and candidates as to discuss the state of the Montana Green Party and plan for its future!! Lunch will be served and children’s activities will take place throughout the day. Carpool whenever possible.
The state convention will be held at the Bozeman Lodge located at 14 South Tracy Ave, Bozeman, MT 59715 on Sunday, May 13th beginning at 9:00 AM. For additional information, contact 406-333-1898 or [email protected].
Tentative Agenda
9:00 AM: Registration begins
Come meet your fellow Montana Greens as we begin our day with an informal discussion over coffee and doughnuts!
9:30: Welcome Address: Cheryl Wolfe
Introductions: A Brief Overview of the Day
10:00 AM: Workshops
How to organize a local party
Taking action: Brainstorming projects for the party!
We need to get our name out to the public…
What are our priorities?
What other organizations can we partner with to accomplish these goals?
11:00 AM: Open discussion forum
12:00 PM: Lunch Social
1:00 PM: Party Speakers: Candidates
Adrien Owen Wagner, HD15
Greg Strandberg, SD49
Doug Campbell, US House
Tim Adams, US Senate
Steve Kelley, US Senate
2:00 PM: Speaker from FairVote: RCV Initiative
2:30 PM: Appointment of Committee members
3:00 PM: MTGP Platform Discussion
Platform Committee Volunteers and dates for meeting