Northwest Indiana Green Party Crossroads
The Northwest Indiana Green Party (NWI) has been focused on two exciting campaigns in the region and it is gearing up for a very busy November 7th. In Hobart Joseph Conn is running for City Council At-Large and in Portage Rev. Michael Cooper is running for Mayor. They need your help on election day at polling locations in Hobart and Portage. The NWI Green Party is looking for volunteers that have some time this Nov. 7th to stand outside a polling location in either Portage or Hobart and hold a candidate sign.
This is a long and busy day for our candidates and their teams, so any extra help throughout the day to fill in the gaps would help our candidates get more recognition as voters enter the polling location. This means standing outside (you can bring a lawn chair) and greeting voters with a smile while holding one our signs. Polls are open from 6am to 6pm and if you can spend an hour up to all day at a poll to grow our movement in Lake and Porter county, please let us know. Hopefully the weather will be nice. You can reply to this email, contact us on Facebook or our website to get more information.
The Northwest Indiana Green Party will be meeting at Sips Coffeehouse in Hobart for our next monthly meeting on Sunday, November 12th at 2pm. Sips is located at 310 Main Street in downtown Hobart, IN and you can find us at one of the tables. We will be decompressing after the general election and looking at our next steps. Join your local Greens for this time to socialize and strategize for our environment and our democracy. Any updates to the meeting will be posted on Facebook.
Northwest Indiana Greens on the Ballot
If you live in Hobart or Portage you can cast your vote for a Green Party candidate in this general election. Early voting is open in both Lake and Porter Counties or the local polls will be open from 6am to 6pm on Election Day, Tuesday, November 7th.
Rev. Michael C. Cooper - Mayor, Portage, Indiana
As a resident of Portage for over a decade, I have witnessed the stagnation of our city and the lack of progress in embracing the future. While new half-million-dollar home subdivisions have been developed, the older, affordable neighborhoods have been ignored and left without proper infrastructure, quality of life, and economic development. That’s why I am running for mayor, to refocus the city’s efforts on improving the experience of our residents, businesses, and visitors.
I am passionate about creating opportunities for education and community advancement in trades, traditional crafts, and the arts. I want to bring the social services that our residents need to improve all areas of our city with equity. Portage is a large and diverse city situated in a National Park, and I believe that positions us to be a driving force for green development and green jobs.
Find our more about Michael's campaign at
Joseph Conn - City Council At-Large, Hobart, Indiana
As a Hobart resident for more that 50 years, I’m concerned about our local local environment. I remain active in Hobart’s No Re-Zone grass roots movement to halt the city’s plan to turn 660 acres of farmland south of 61st Avenue on both sides of Colorado Street into an industrial zone. If fully built out with factories, warehouses and truck terminals, the industrial park could draw as many as 2,100 truck trips a day to what is now a residential and agricultural area. Both of the two incumbent At-Large city council members who are running for re-election voted for the industrial zone. I intend to make this campaign, in part, a referendum on their decision and finding alternatives to this bad plan for Hobart with a transparent process open to the ideas of our citizens.
Discover more about Joseph at his website
Become a Member Today
Support your Northwest Indiana Green Party by making a contribution to our green movement. Contributions can be made through our secure square site at While you are there consider becoming a member of the NWI Green Party. Annual membership are $10 for adults, $5 seniors and students. You can join by clicking on the appropriate membership to add it to your cart. Your contributions will help us to engage the political machines in our region and to promote Green candidates in the upcoming election cycles.
If you would like to pay your membership with cash or check, you can bring your dues to the upcoming meeting. The NWI Green Party also wants to make membership feasible for those who have financial restraints, please contact us about the option for free membership. You can reply to this email or fill out the contact from on our website,
Make a Contribution
Consider making a contribution to the NWI Green Party. Your support for our local grassroots movement right here in the region will empower us to get our issues out and our candidates on your ballot. Become one of the many people making Northwest Indiana the Crossroads of Green America. Click on the button to make your secure, online contribution through Square.
Contributions to the NWI Green Party are not tax-deductible and subject to restrictions established in Indiana Campaign Finance regulations.
Interested in Running for Office in 2024?
The time is now to explore your run for local elected office in 2024 and your local Greens are here to help. The Northwest Indiana Green Party is getting candidates resourced for getting on their ballot. We have three people with campaigns ready to go and we want a lot more candidates running to turn the region Green. Have you been considering make a value-based run to place our environmental, social justice and democracy platform on the ballot? Then this is the time begin to build our coalition in Northwest Indiana! So reach out to us by replying to this email, contacting us through our website (, messaging us through Facebook or attending our monthly meeting. Our region needs you to run as a Green in 2024.
Are you interested in becoming more involved in environmental, social justice and democracy advocacy in your local community? Then reach out to us to begin a dialogue of how you can promote our Green Values in your area. From local projects to parades, from city meetings to advisory boards, from door-to-door canvasing to the comfort of your computer desk there is something you can do to help your Green Party right here in Northwest Indiana. Reach out to us or join us at our next meeting to discover how we can work together for a Greener NWI.
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