Arlington, VA Green Party on the hunt for candidates
The Arlington Green Party is working to find candidates for local elections in November, and has put out feelers.
"Arlington Greens remain open to endorsing or nominating any possible candidates for local office in the November election," party chair John Reeder told the Sun Gazette. "As yet, no one has come forward requesting the Green Party endorsement or nomination."
Inside NoVa
February 27, 2019
But there have been nibbles, Reeder said. "We have spoken to several people who are considering a run, but they have not decided as yet whether to do so," he said.
On the ballot this year in Arlington will be two County Board seats, a School Board seat, four constitutional offices and seven legislative posts.
Starting in the late 2000s, the Green Party began running candidates in select Arlington races rather regularly, but the party's efforts (like those of the Arlington County Republican Committee) have been somewhat sporadic in more recent years.
In 2014, both the Arlington Green Party and Arlington County Republican Committee endorsed independent John Vihstadt in his successful County Board run. Four years later, when Vihstadt unsuccessfully sought re-election, he did not seek or receive the endorsement of the local GOP or Greens.