Election night party with Warren County Greens in Glens Falls, NY
The Warren County Green Party - NY and The 190 Grille + Cinema. are throwing you a party!
Join the Warren County Green Party - NY and their candidates on the eve of Election 2016 at The 190 Grille + Cinema on Glen Street in downtown Glens Falls!
November 8 from 8:30 PM to Midnight
The 190 Grille + Cinema
190 Glen St, Glens Falls, New York 12801
Don't watch the election results at home alone! Come out and hear the candidates speak and see the results live on the big screen as they come in!
Refreshments will be served courtesy of The 190 Grille, Rockhill Bakehouse Cafe and a cash bar will be available.
For more information on the venue or our candidates visit http://www.the190grille.com/
Matt Funiciello
Matt Funiciello For Congress
Steve Ruzbacki
Vote Steve Ruzbacki for NYS Senate 45th District
Robin Barkenhagen
Vote Barkenhagen