You are invited to attend the Nassau Green Party's Zoom program on LGBTQIA+ issues on Monday, January 25th, 7:30PM--RSVP to obtain the Zoom link--Details are below:
Please join the Green Party of Nassau County on Monday, January 25, 2021, at 7:30 PM, for a presentation on LGBTQIA+ issues. All Greens and other interested allies are welcome. Please RSVP to [email protected] to be sent the Zoom link.
Our presenter, Cynthya BrianKate, has direct life experience in what it's like to be a Transgender woman (and what it's like to be a Transgender woman Green in the current GP environments), Intersex (biologically between male and female), a Chimera (people born with a composite body as result of siblings merging in the womb), and what it's like to be on both the Bisexual and Asexual spectrums/spectra. She has been an educator, advocate and activist on gender and sexuality diversity for over 20 years. She has been a Green for over a decade, has served and continues to serve as a Vice-Chair of Green Party of Suffolk (GPoS) and has helped GPoS become a leader in upholding feminism and gender diversity, as well as disability and transportation rights. She is also a member of the U.S. Green Party National Womens' Caucus (NWC), Lavender LGBTQIA+ Caucus and forming Disability Caucus.
Cynthya helped found the Long Island Transgender Day Of Remembrance (TDOR) and is a board member of both Intersex Campaign for Equality (IC4E) and Intersex, Friends and Families (IFF). She has spoken on and helped organize over a thousand panels, workshops, lectures, rallies, marches and protests. Most recently she has spoken at the United Nations-sponsored Women Included Project, the Green Party U.S. 2020 ANM (Annual National Meeting) and organized and spoke on the Green Party U.S. TDOR panel webinar.
- January 25, 2021 at 7:30pm – 9pm
Green Party of Nassau County
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