Register today for the October 21 General Assembly!
Join us at the Green Party of California's General Assembly
Saturday, October 21, 2023, 9 am - 3:30 pm - online
All California Greens are invited to the Green Party of California's General Assembly on Saturday, October 21, 2023. Join us to meet Greens from across California, attend presentations, participate in discussions and decisions for our Party, and learn how to get involved with our Committees and engage in our work.
The General Assembly is the primary decision-making body of the Green Party of California and consists of delegates from each active county organization recognized by the GPCA. We urge all County Green Party Delegates to review the information on decision items provided by the updated DRAFT AGENDA.
We ask for a contribution of $25 to cover costs and support the Green Party of California. If you can, please consider making an additional contribution to cover registration costs for a fellow Green. The registration fee will increase to $35 on Monday, October 16.
You may also use the "other" option to pay an amount that is comfortable for you, whether it is an increase or a decrease.
If you would prefer to pay by check, make it out to "Green Party of California" and send it to GPCA, PO Box 485, San Francisco, CA 94104 so that it arrives prior to October 16 and let us know by email to [email protected].
#WeAreGreen #RegisterGreen
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month
September 15 - October 15
During this Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15 to Oct. 15, we celebrate the rich and diverse cultures of our Latino and Hispanic communities and acknowledge the many ways in which their cultures are woven into the fabric of our history. We invite you to learn more and enjoy festivals and celebrations in your area!
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month
October is the National Disability Employment Awareness Month and an important opportunity for us to stress the critical need for ALL people to have the opportunity to share their vision, talents and skills in our society's workplaces and economy.
This year's theme is “Advancing Access and Equity” focused on how different types of organizations including employers, educators, youth service professionals, policymakers, associations and unions, disability-related organizations, and federal agencies can engage in creating opportunities and removing obstacles.
#NDEAM #DisabilityRights
Imagine a Real Democracy - from "Can’t win" to "Can win!"
From the Green Party of California Spokesperson, Laura Wells:
When the phrase "CAN’T WIN" is applied to a candidate whose values you basically agree with, what is really being said is "YOU CAN’T WIN!"
This is a system problem, not a problem of you as an individual. Those who want to concentrate money and power in their own hands spend a lot of energy making us believe that everything is our individual problem. They also want to keep us from realizing how much power we have now, both as individuals, and as communities organizing together so that we and our next generations CAN WIN — we can live, and even thrive!
In the area of our elections, we can move toward solutions both as individuals and in groups. This piece contains a valuable "recipe." Also, at the end is a link to a talk I gave recently on the subject. "
Another world is possible,
Are you running for office as a GREEN? We'd love to hear about your campaign!
The Green Party of California is proud of the many registered Greens who run for public office to serve their communities through our shared Green values.
If you are a Green candidate please contact the GPCA Candidates Committee to let them know about your campaign.
If you want to see more Greens run for office and enact policies that address people's needs (and not corporate greed), then please donate directly to Green candidates running in your districts or DONATE to our state party so we can in turn support our candidates.
#RunGreen #WeAreGreen
Contact us to share YOUR county Green Party online events so we can share them widely!
Help us turn our Government Green!
Thank you,
Green Party of California
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