South Dakota Greens gain accreditation with national Green Party
The South Dakota Green Party announced in a press release on Thursday that it had secured its official accreditation with the National Green Party of the United States.
In the release published on the Green Party of the United States website, Shaun Little Horn, Chair of the South Dakota Green Party, broke the news and expressed his enthusiasm for the new organization, saying that it is "not just a party; it's a promise."
Independent Political Report
By Jordan Willow Evans
October 30, 2023
"With its newly-acquired national platform, the SDGP is all set to amplify its efforts. The party has charted out plans for extensive community outreach, policy discussions, and candidate endorsements. The objective is clear: to mobilize the energy and aspirations of South Dakotans in creating a state that embodies the true spirit of democracy, inclusivity, and environmental responsibility," he stated.
Little Horn also added that the South Dakota Green Party is "on the brink" of finalizing the necessary signatures to earn a place on the 2024 election ballot and beyond.
In order to become officially accredited, the South Dakota Green Party had to apply with the Green Party of the United States Accreditation Committee. The committee is the body responsible for overseeing the process in which state parties and caucuses become fully accredited members of the party. It can also make recommendations requesting the removal of state parties and caucuses from that status.
In addition to formally applying to become accredited with the Green Party and the usual appropriate documentation, including bylaws, a platform, and legal paperwork, potential organizations interested in the process must meet several other essential criteria.
These criteria include a commitment to core values such as ecological wisdom and social justice, statewide representation, support for national candidates, efforts to attain ballot status, involvement in running state and local candidates, a history of networking with related organizations, dedication to gender balance in leadership, and empowerment of oppressed communities through various means. The formal language outlining the full process can be accessed here.
Readers of Independent Political Report can access the full press release on the Green Party of the United States website.
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