Spring gathering and membership meeting
Green Party of Washington State Annual Spring Meeting takes place on Sunday, May 2, 2021
We will be meeting using our regular Washington State Green Party Jitsi account.
The Agenda for our Spring Meeting
10:00 am – Introductions (30 mins)
10:30 am – Discussion of Bylaw Proposal Amendment #1 – Term Limit and Terms of Service (
30 min discussion and 15 min voting)
Article 4.1.C Term of Service – Upon election the SCC shall facilitate the work of the Party until the election of their successors. The five at-large SCC members and the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer shall be elected for one-year terms by the membership or, in the case of representatives from each affiliated local, by the local membership.
Article 4.1.D Term Limits – Members of the SCC except the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer may serve no more than three consecutive terms.
Article 4.1.C. Term of Service – Upon election the SCC shall facilitate the work of the Party until the election of their successors. The five at-large SCC members and the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer shall be elected for one two(2) year term by the membership or, in the case of representatives from each affiliated local, by the local membership.
Article 4.1.D Term Limits – Members of the SCC except the Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer may serve no more than two consecutive terms.
11:15 am – Discussion of Bylaw Proposal Amendment #2 – National Delegate and Alternate National Delegate
(30 min discussion and 15 min voting)
Change 4.1.K from Budget to read:
4.1.K. National and Alternate Delegate - National and Alternate Delegates shall report activity on the National Green Party Votes List to the SCC including all pending votes which may be voted upon by our Delegates to the National Committee. The Alternate Delegate will assist the National Delegate(s) in fulfilling their duties if they are incapacitated. Delegates must report to the SCC during our monthly meeting either in person, video chat, email or proxy at least once every 3 months. Failure of an NC delegate to report for 4 months will constitute a resignation of that position, which will be filled as stated in 4.1.N.
reorder remaining sections as follows:
4.1.L Budget – It is the responsibility of the SCC to prepare an annual budget to be posted in the Members section of the GPWA website.
4.1.M Implementation of Decisions – The SCC will determine procedures to be used in implementing decisions. No procedures will be chosen which violate the spirit or text of the bylaws. Written accounts of procedures will be kept. Modification is understood to include adding or deleting entries. Procedures shall be updated on the Green Party website within two weeks of any modification.
The SCC may establish other functional bodies and working groups as they consider necessary. Proposals for new functional bodies may also be submitted to the SCC by a group of three or more GPWA members who wish to form a committee, and shall clearly define the rationale for, powers of, and accountability standards for the proposed body.
4.1.N Vacancies – Vacancies in the SCC shall be filled by appointment by the SCC. The appointed member will serve until the next convention, at which time a member will be elected according to normal election procedures. The newly elected member will serve out the time of the original councilmember.
4.1.O Resignations – At at-large member, the Treasurer, or the Deputy Treasurer will be deemed to have resigned when without explanation or prior notice, they miss meetings for two months, are unavailable by email for one month, or do not return phone calls within one month. If one of these conditions occur, a vacancy on the SCC will be announced.
12:00 (BREAK ) 1 hour break for lunch.
(Margaret and CJ will tabulate votes; results will be announced during the afternoon)
1:00 pm – Building Your Local: An Introduction to Green Politics
Noah Martin - 45mins)
1:45pm – Nominations and short speeches for GPWA Coordinating Council At-Large positions, Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, and GPUS National Committee Delegates and Alternates. (45 mins)
Note: The five at-large SCC members, two NC delegates, and two alternates will be elected proportionally using the Gregory method of single transferable vote (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_transferable_vote). Ballots and candidate statements will be emailed (or postal mailed to members without email addresses) within one week after the convention and returned ballots must be sent no later than 21 days after the close of the convention.
2:30pm – Abolishment of Nuclear Weapons
(Molly Feather - 30 mins)
3:00pm - (BREAK)
3:30pm – 2040: The Regeneration film with discussion afterwards.
Some points to be aware of -- Amendments to the GPWA bylaws may be adopted on a 70% vote of the members present at a state convention, and we will be using OpaVote to conduct the vote.
Become a GPWA member or update your membership: https://www.gp-wa.org/membership_gpwa
The Green Party of Washington discussion group on Loomio is open to all GPWA members. Click here to join!
In solidarity,
Green Party of Washington State
Keep up with us on Twitter and Facebook
Donations always appreciated and put to good use!
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