Strategic Planning: Building The Party, 2010



Strategic Planning:Building the party: (23 Greens present)
small group discussion to develop objectives at ANM, June 26, 2010

Run candidates
Revolution campaign finance reform; campaign finance

Decided to go around the room and ask everyone for their one or two top ideas for building the party – either from list generated Friday or independently

George Smolka, IN: Build an acceptable platform

David Ireland, NC: Be a positive force in community organization

Jennifer Sullivan, FL: friendly, recognizable, interesting, enticing outreach

Mike Rubin, CA:assist states in ballot access assist states in building new chapters

Don “Free” Land, TN: speak to as many people as you can

Jeff Sutter, IN: outreach (ditto Jennifer’s)

Marnie Glickman, CA: launch a 2 year campaign to register 100,000 voters; 10,000 precinct captains

Tom Knoblach, NM: participate in petition drives so speak to people

LuAnne Kozma, MI: Door to door speaking to people, invite them to meetings.

Susan Chunco, CA: agree with Jennifer’s outreach; being a party people want to join get involved on the local level

John Marshall, MA: public financing, outreach to students, registering voters; outreach to people of color and people with disabilities

Jody Grage, WA: improve communication between states and between locals so they don’t have to all do the same thing

Tom Yager, VA: serious fundraising: raise $5 million/yr –>ballot access, revise

Dick Paddock, NC: diversity in recruitment

David McCorquodale, DE: branding (more than environmentalists)

Sanda Everette, CA: electoral reform (PR, IRV); improve web presence

Tim Willard, MD: Outreach-identify supporters, keeping in touch with them (newsletter, internet), improved database so can get back to them

Steve Luther, CA: more youth-specific outreach to colleges and high school, staff person dedicated, organizing kit, branding; reach out to issue groups, table at music festivals and other events

Karen Young, NY: end infighting, more effective culture, lose members because of infighting

Farheen Hakeem, MN: anti-oppression training, understand and accept each others differences

Dana Silvernale, CA: be well organized at the local level so we can plug in volunteers, need to be social, fun; give them a job to integrate new people

Jan Arnold, CA: outreach materials so do not have to reinvent the wheel, downloadable and easily printablelots of different versions, small

Theresa El Amin, NC: clarify affiliation of state parties, so that is where growth has to happen

Work within states to improve media connections

Top 3 (after each person voted for their 3 favorites)

Notetaker grouped others under topic as appropriate

OUTREACH: friendly, recognizable, interesting, enticing outreach

Outreach to youth (high school and college), coordinator
Outreach to people of color and with disabilities
ID 10K precinct captains
Participate with local petition drives
Keep in touch with people once they reach out to us
Be involved with local communities
2 year campaign to get 100,000 new Green voters;
2 year campaign to get 10,000 precinct captains
Better data base
Integrate new people when they express interest (give them a job)

Shared print materials available downloadable
Help build state parties
Electoral reform: campaign finance, PR, IRV
anti-oppression training


Improve media work with states
Improve communication
Shared print materials available downloadable
Improve web presence
Fundraising: $5 million/year

Building the Party” Participants:

Sanda Everett (CA), facilitator
Jody Grage (WA)
Dick Paddock (NC)
David McCorquodale (DE)
Tim Willard (MD)
Steve Luther (CA)
George E. Smolka (IN)
David ireland (NC)
Jennifer Sullivan (NC)
Jan Arnold (CA)
Michael Rubin (CA)
Don “Free” Land (TN)
Jeff Sutter (IN)
Marnie Glickman (CA)
Tom Knoblach (NM)
LuAnne Kozma (MI)
Susan Chunco (CA)
Tom Yager (VA)
John S. Marshall (MA)
Farheen hakeem (MN)
Dana Silvernale (CA)
Theresa El-Amin (NC)