Being a Green Party candidate can often be an uphill battle, but this year 3 Alameda County Greens have risen to the challenge. In this year’s June primary, Laura Wells ran for State Controller, and for the current November election, Aidan Hill is running for Berkeley City Council, District 7, and Brian Donahue is running for the Emery School Board. Aidan was not able to commit for tonight, but Brian and Laura will join us this evening to discuss their campaigns and how we can help Green Party candidates, both before and after their elections.
What does it mean to run as a “third-party” candidate, and as a Green? Is there more to helping candidates than making donations and helping them pass out literature? How important are the final 3 weeks before the election compared to before and after that time window? What should we be doing now, and what might we do in the near and not-so-near future? Join Brian and Laura tonight to discuss these questions and much more.
Brian Donahue is running for the Emery School Board in the current November election. He notes that in 2017, the Emery School Distict dropped from the 4th worst academically in Alameda county to “the bottom that year and it has remained on the bottom.” To turn this around, he advocates empowering teachers and changing the “culture so that the administration morphs into a teacher helping culture.” He also wants to get “major corporations in Emeryville to commit to supporting the schools with a special emphasis on Disney/Pixar.” Brian has been an activist on school and other issues for many years and publishes the Emeryville Tattler blog. He also was a co-founder of Residents United for a Livable Emeryville (RULE), which was able to elect every City Council member during their 14-year existence, but which came to a close earlier this year after having been sidelined by the pandemic..
Laura Wells ran for State Controller in the June, 2022 election as a member of the Left Unity Slate. She lives in Oakland and is a political activist in California and in solidarity with Latin America. She has been a Green Party organizer and also ran for Congress in 2018, and for Governor after the global financial meltdown in 2010. A former financial systems analyst, Laura focuses her platform on public banking, taxing the rich, and saving money and lives by shifting California’s financial priorities away from destructive uses like the prison and war industries, and toward meaningful work including an improved Medicare for All healthcare system, tuition-free high-quality schools and universities, and restoration of our environment. Her webpage for this past June’s campaign is here:
Green Sundays are a series of free public programs & discussions on topics “du jour” sponsored by the Green Party of Alameda County and held on the 2nd Sunday of each month. The monthly business meeting of the County Council of the Green Party follows at 7:00 pm, after a 30-minute break. Council meetings are open to anyone who is interested.
- October 09, 2022 at 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Green Party of Alameda County
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