Upcoming Green Party of Maricopa County meeting
The next Green Party of Maricopa County monthly meeting will be held Saturday, March 30, 2019 starting at 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Green Party meetings are open to the public but you have to be a Green Party member to vote. Please invite others who are interested in learning about the Green Party. Please let Liana, Amee, Jason, Sam, Freda or John know if you have any agenda items to discuss. We are looking forward to seeing you next Saturday and together, continuing to build the Green Party in Maricopa County. Please bring your ideas and think about stepping up to volunteer.
Saguaro Library
2808 N 46th St, Phoenix, AZ 85008
Saturday, March 30, 2019, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
We also invite you to join our various social media sites and let us know if you are interested in helping maintain them with Green-friendly, current content:
Twitter | Instagram | Facebook | Facebook Group
Building the progressive left through the Green Party is more critical than ever, given the continuing corporate domination of our government and the unprecedented threats to our democracy, our rights, and the future of life on our planet. #Become a Green Party Sustainer #RegisterGreen
Stay strong and keep fighting for people, planet and peace over profit