Green Party Candidate Calls on City Officials to Uphold Election Integrity
Long-time Activist's Write-In Campaign At Risk of Sabotage
Cheri Honkala, a well-known Kensington-based anti-poverty activist and candidate for Pennsylvania State Representative in the 197th state house district, will be speaking to the press about allegations of election rigging in the March 21 special election to fill the 197th state house district seat vacated by a Democratic legislator who resigned after a federal corruption conviction.
WHO: Cheri Honkala, candidate for 197th state house seat in special election
Michael Huff, civil rights attorney
Immortal Technique, rapper and activist
WHERE: Christian Academy Church, 3554 N. 6th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19140
WHEN: 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, March 21
WHY: After years of political corruption in the 197th district, Cheri Honkala will speak out against the machine that has kept entrenched players and unsavory practices in place in north Philadelphia. Honkala will unveil her plan to illuminate and end election fraud in this special election, so voters' voices can be heard and accurately reflected in election results. Part of her strategy involves calling on the district attorney and city commissioners to monitor this special election.
For more information, contact Honkala Campaign press liaisons Matthew Zawisky 716-479-2351 or Hillary Kane 267-971-3559