Upper Hudson Greens to meet on Tuesday, March 27
Albany, NY – The monthly meeting of the Upper Hudson Green Party is scheduled for this Tuesday, March 27th, in the Large Auditorium of the Main Branch of the Albany Public Library on Washington Avenue next to the Armory.
We have the room reserved from 6:30 PM thru 8:00 PM, but the library staff has asked that we wrap-up by 7:45, so they can close the building.
This month, we'll have presentations from three candidates for Congress who are vying for the Green Party line in November: Victoria Alexander and Steve Greenfield are both interested in running in CD 19 for the seat currently held by John Faso and Lynn Kahn is the sole Green interested in opposing Elise Stefanik in CD 21. We'll also hear from Christine Elms, who recently won the election for Village Trustee in South Glens Falls.
Since each candidate will have 10 minutes to make their presentation, we'd like to begin the meeting at 6:30, so we can cover the secretary and treasurer's reports and allow the candidates to begin their talks at around 6:45-7PM. Because there are two perspective candidates in CD 19, neither of whom are currently registered Greens, Barbara Kidney, Chair of the Hudson Valley Green Party, and myself, will have to agree on one and jointly authorize a Wilson-Pakula exemption, allowing that person to run as the designated Green nominee. However, the other candidate can still force a primary by collecting enough signatures via OTB petitions, so our endorsement is not necessarily final.
Is there anything else that you'd like to discuss? if there's enough time, there'll be an opportunity to bring up new business at the end, but Barbara and I will be relying on your opinions regarding the nominee for CD 19 and I expect that the discussion that follows their talks will take up the rest of the evening. Since petitions are not due until April 6th, we do not have to make an endorsement at this meeting.
Joseph Levy, Treasurer
Barbara Trypaluk, Secretary
Saratoga County Green Party