Utah Greens begin ballot access petition drive
The Green Party of Utah petition is available for download! Please join our forum to download the pages.
We are circulating this petition in an effort to make the Green Party of Utah a qualified political party in the state of Utah. We must collect 2,000 valid signatures. Typically about 65-70% of signatures are valid, so we will need closer to 3,000 signatures. The deadline for turning in petitions is November 15th.
We need all the help we can get, so please print it off and gather whatever you can.
Note there are two pages to the document: the first page is for the signees to fill out, while the second is for your printed name and signature.
Important things to keep in mind as you petition for signatures:
- You cannot sign your own packet. Request to sign someone else’s.
- You may attach up to ten sheets in one stapled group.
- Make sure to staple them in three spots at the top of the page (a minor, but important detail).
- The person signing must be registered to vote in the state of Utah by November of 2017. Try to verify their registration using personal judgement.
- Once you have collected a healthy number of signatures, contact Brendan Phillips via the Facebook group, forum, or email [email protected] to collect. This allows us to keep the signatures in one place.
- We need 2,000 verified signatures. With a projected 70% validity rate, we need to collect roughly 3,000 signatures.
- Weekly updates are requested to keep a count of progress.
If you know of any events around town that would be a good place to petition, share it on our forum, Facebook group, or email [email protected].
We will need volunteers to set up a table and work at events, as well as going door-to-door to gather signatures.
Thank you for all your efforts to make the Green Party of Utah a growing force!