Vote! Your Climate and Justice Candidates
With two days to go until Election Day, many people have still not voted, up to half of the registered voters. This email provides your Maryland Green Party candidates, then how to help our candidates NOW and on Election Day, then how to monitor the vote counts after polls close Tuesday 8 pm for problems that we've had in past years. Your Green candidates can always be trusted to be 100% independent and honest, no corporate or PAC money ever. Look for "Green" in each race and vote for true progressives!
The Election is this Tuesday, Nov. 8, from 7 am - 8 pm. Find your voting location here. Please help young people find their location. They should take their state ID or MD driver's license to register as they vote. People on probation, parole, or completed sentences can also register at their polling place and vote, with state ID or driver's license.
Governor/Lt. Governor
MD House of Delegates
Renaud Brown - House of Delegates, District 43
northwest/central Baltimore from Barclay neighborhood in the center north to the city line -
Jon Foreman - House of Delegates, District 18
Chevy Chase, Kensington, Wheaton - Charlotte McBrearty - House of Delegates, District 1C
from just west of Hagerstown west to Cumberland
MD State Senate
David Jeang, State Senate, District 19
Aspen Hill, Derwood, east Gaithersburg, Redland -
Moshe Landman, State Senate, District 39
Montgomery Village, east Germantown, north Gaithersburg, Clarksburg
Montgomery County Council
Dan Robinson - At Large
All in Montgomery County may vote for Dan; voting ONLY for Dan, instead of all 4 choices strengthens your vote by 400%.
You can help right now with social media. Since we don't take any money from corporations or PACS (aka campaign contributions, bribes), we don't have money for advertising - your social media is our best way to reach voters fast! Especially Instagram and TikTok. Please send out the campaign links above on your social media, and link and follow them.
On Election Day, can you volunteer to hand out literature for the governor's race and local Green candidates. We will get you flyers and candidate brochures for Tuesday. Please email [email protected], and we will bring you the literature. Include the full address of your hand-out precinct so we can match you with your local Green candidates.
Anyone can watch the vote tally procedure at a polling place and document issues after 8 pm closing, with a certificate from a candidate. You have the right to observe quietly, and question the chief judges to determine facts and questions about issues. Request your signed observer certificate by emailing [email protected].
Several of our candidates are positioned to win their races, and increase our record of elected Greens in Maryland. Also, we win another term as a qualified, legal party in Maryland if we get at least 1% in the governor's race. We win access to media coverage if we win 10% in the governor or local races. And we all win if our numbers spur passage of Ranked Choice Voting, the only voting system that guarantees a majority winner in every race. Maine, Alaska, New York City, San Francisco, Takoma Park and many other areas have Ranked Choice Voting already - it's time.
Thank you for your support for people and the planet!
Charlotte McBrearty, Co-chair
Maryland Green Party - 22 years strong!
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