Wisconsin Greens seeking candidates for 2024 and beyond!
Have you thought about running for office? The Wisconsin Green Party is seeking candidates for 2024 elections who share our values and vision of people, planet, and peace over profit.
In September 2023, a Gallup poll found that a record high 63% of US voters believe the two establishment parties do such a poor job representing the people that we need a new major party. There has never been a better - or more important - time to lead the way in building a party that serves the people.
With elections coming up in Fall 2024, now is a great time to think about running for office as a Wisconsin Green.
If you're considering running for office, let us know at www.wisconsingreenparty.org/run_for_office and we'll get in touch to discuss the possibilities!
For candidates seeking the Wisconsin Green Party nomination, we will request a candidate questionnaire with basic information about your campaign, and possibly a follow-up interview. Candidates will have the opportunity to address WIGP members at our Spring Gathering state membership meeting to be held virtually on Saturday April 13th. After the Spring Gathering, ballots to vote on candidate endorsements will be sent to all dues-paying WIGP members in good standing.
The deadline to make a decision is soon. It takes 200 valid signatures on nomination papers to get on the ballot for State Assembly, 400 signatures to run for the State Senate, 1000 to run for House of Representatives and 2000 for US Senate.. You have to get those signatures between April 15 and June 3. You'll have to raise some money too. We can help with fundraising, but we can't offer the support the Corporate Parties do. Now is also a good time to start thinking about 2026 races too.
The need has never been greater for real solutions to the urgent problems in our communities and our world, many of which are boiling over into full-blown crises.
Right now, working people are struggling to keep up with the cost of living, while the super rich are richer than ever. The climate crisis is worsening rapidly, with 2023 setting a new record for US oil production. Inequality and racial and social injustice are rampant. Meanwhile, the war parties are squandering trillions of dollars on endless war and genocide, while urgent needs go unanswered here at home.
There’s never been a better time for people of integrity to join together and build the new major party our country so desperately needs. The Green Party can seize this moment to bring about the transformation we need at every level: in our local, state, and federal governments, our economy, our society, and our relationship with the Earth we depend on.
But political movements don’t build themselves. We need candidates who are willing to stand up and carry the Green banner. Win or lose, every Green campaign plants the seeds of future victory, by bringing Green values into the mainstream, challenging establishment politicians to answer for their failures, and recruiting new members into the movement - including future candidates and elected officials.
It will also strengthen the growing movement to fix our broken electoral system with reforms like ranked choice voting, proportional representation, and publicly financed elections.
If you’re willing to consider running for office, let us know at www.wisconsingreenparty.org/run_for_office and we’ll get in touch about the next steps.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Peace and solidarity,
The Wisconsin Green Party
P.S. The Green Party is a people-powered party that refuses to take money from corporations, lobbyists or super PACs. We rely entirely on people like you for support. Please consider making a contribution to support our work - thank you!
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