Would you like to be a state representative?
The Maine Green Independent Party is looking for a candidate in the Bangor and Orono area to run as our nominee for State Representative in House District 124 for the March 12, 2019 special election.
Nomination papers must be submitted to the Secretary of State by January 18th.
We were fortunate to have State Rep. Ralph Chapman (G) serving our interests as the Green Independent House Minority Leader last session, but Chapman was term-limited out of office and we no longer have a minority caucus.
Past Green Independent House minority caucuses worked to protect our civil liberties, environment and labor rights. It is imperative that we regain a Green minority in the State House to expand non-corporate influences as a necessary check on the negative influences among the other political parties.
If you or someone that you know would like to serve as State Representative in House District 124, please contact MGIP Co-chairs Niomi Larrivee and Jon Olsen at [email protected] or 207-200-MGIP.
If you are unable to run but support our cause, please donate at https://mainegreens.org/donate.
Green and growing!