The proceedings opened at 9:18 a.m. with Marcia Lichtenstein and Xubi Wilson as facilitators. Secretary Dean Myerson said that the order of the agenda would be changed a little because of late arrival at the meeting.
The Steering Committee had prepared a proposal calling for the establishment by the Coordinating Committee of an Organizing Committee. The SC noted that the ASGP was intended to help new state Green Parties from and grow which would require the hiring of field organizers and the raising of funds to pay for such efforts. Any fund-raising effort would require a sensible organizing plan. Thus the SC proposed that the ASGP constitute an Organizing Committee with the following tasks. 1. Choose a list of organizing targets and prioritize them. These targets will include both areas with no current state Green Party and those with new parties that need help. 2. Determine what contacts and resources are available in these areas. 3. Devise an approximate schedule and route for an organizer within specific regions of the country. 4. Create a budget or a set of budget options for each regional area with a plan. 5. Any current Green locals or activists will always be included in these organizing plans and the ASGP will not organize an area against their wishes. There was no expressed opposition to the proposal. It was moved by Betty Zisk [MA] and seconded by Tom Sevigny [CT] and quickly passed by consensus. Linda Martin, Xubi Wilson and Nancy Allen volunteered for the Organizing Committee.
Dean Myerson opened the discussion by saying there was some controversy about a filing before the Federal Elections Commission. He said the ASGP policy was on record that any candidate seeking federal status make a written application and make that filing public. Myerson continued that the ASGP policy was that no filing to establish a national Green Party would be made until it had the support of two-thirds of all active state parties. He said that this was an important step that needs approval by Greens all across the country and that he hoped that at the point of filing there would be more than two-thirds support. Betty Zisk [MA] said that her state party had sent a letter to both national Green groups asking there be a moratorium for the time being. Massachusetts had not received a reply from either GPUSA or ASGP but had heard that GPUSA had filed an application but was now observing a moratorium. She said she thought both sides should observe a moratorium.
Dean Myerson reported that the ASGP had no formal moratorium in effect but that the Steering Committee has no intention of applying, probably not until 2000. There is no need to now. "if things come together [meaning broad support for the ASGP from the state parties], we plan to do so in 2000."
Betty Zisk said she hoped there would be something in writing from us to indicate our intent. Steve Schmidt [NM] additionally noted that GPUSA had indeed filed with the FEC and that the denied application s claims were still on file with the F.E.C. He said that the New Mexico Green Party had made a formal request of GPUSA that it withdraw that filing and he said that GPUSA had used our name[the New Mexican Green Party s name] and candidates name without their knowledge or consent. Howie Hawkins, an observer from GPUSA, said that his group was observing a moratorium for the rest of this year. He said that GPUSA indeed had political party status and would retain it. He went on to say, however, that he did not understand the legal implications of the situation. He never did address the matter of GPUSA in its filing using the names of ASGP states and their candidates without their permission. John Rensenbrink [MA] said he supported this proposal [the ASGP filing proposal] and thought that the GPUSA should be responsive.
Cameron Spitzer [CA observer] said that he didn't t think "e-mail is sufficiently reliable for state voting by e-mail on this substantive issue" and proposed as a friendly amendment that there be "a real letter with a signature" from all the state parties that approved becoming the Green national committee. [Rapporteur s note: It is doubtful that an observer had standing to propose an amendment but no one seemed to object as Spitzer is the Webmaster of the Green Internet set and widely acknowledged to be an expert on Web issues.] Tony Affigne accepted Spitzer's friendly amendment and Basil Kyriakakis seconded it. It was adopted by consensus.
The ASGP will adhere to the following steps when filing with the FEC:
a. Only declare candidates and state parties with their explicit approval. The ASGP Secretary shall keep a public record of the documentation of such approval. b. 30 days prior to the actual mailing or transmittal of any application to the FEC, the ASGP will announce its intention to file and make the application public to any Green activist who wants to examine it and the related documents. c. The filing will only occur when the ASGP has secured support for filing from two-thirds of active and existing state Green parties or organizations--the voting method/criteria to be determined.
Voting for the Steering Committee, based on nominations made the day before, was held. The preferential votes were tallied and, in due course, announced, as inserted in Saturday s minutes. Annie Goeke, Tom Sevigny and Nancy Allen were elected to the SC with Patrick Mazza as alternate. Dean Myerson and Tony Affigne, unopposed for Secretary and Treasurer, were elected by acclamation.
This topic occasioned considerable discussion. Tammy Davis [NM] said the Women s Caucus held the night before was really successful. She said the women were proposing that at the next ASGP meeting time for the Women s Caucus be reserved on the agenda. There was substantial support for the idea and many people, for a change many of them women, chimed in with what seemed indisputable: that men talked a lot more, there were more men on the stack, that most proposals were submitted by men, etc. And, it should be noted, men were not reluctant to speak on this issue. John Rensenbrink [ME] said he hoped he spoke for all men in applauding what you ve done. Every man should not only govern his own sense of wanting to talk but respect other persons right to have you listen. Jenefer Ellingston [DC] said that time was so squeezed during these meetings that she didn t see the proposal as a significant proposal to move the Green Party forward, that actual agenda time should not be taken up. But Dean Myerson said that such a discussion could be part of an evening session as long as people think it is valuable. There seemed little doubt that almost everyone thought it was. A motion to that effect [I NEED THE EXACT LANGUAGE] was moved by Annie Goeke and seconded by Nick Mellis [NJ]. It was passed by consensus.
To consider GPUSA proposals for co-sponsorship of certain events and proposals by the Green Party of New York State and the New Mexico Green Party considering negotiation of structure between ASGP and GPUSA. For this discussion Howie Hawkins, an observer from GPUSA, was given full discussion rights.
[Rapporteur s note: As with any discussion dealing with the relations between ASGP and GPUSA, there was a certain amount of cross-talk and excited language. It was thus difficult at time to follow but the Rapporteur will attempt a fair summary of the gist of the discussion.] As always when relations between ASGP and GPUSA is the topic the discussion was lively and often over-lapping. This was even more the case because the agenda [which was marked with an asterisk for items that were to be voted on] did not indicate that this was such an item. Thus, some delegates strenuously objected to the issue coming to a vote. The situation was further complicated by the assertion by Tony Affigne [RI] that a Rhode Island resolution was pertinent to the discussion and should be considered before the GPoNYS and New Mexico resolutions. He asked indulgence to adopt the Rhode Island resolution before discussion of the other resolutions. It was distributed long in advance and it is not complicated. Steve Schmidt [NM] said that New Mexico supported the Rhode Island proposal. Both issues [whether to vote on the New York and New Mexico resolutions and whether to consider the Rhode Island resolution first] had to be resolved even as discussion on the broader issue was taking place. A lively time. Linda Martin [VA] objected to any voting on the issue because it was not marked on the agenda as one subject to a vote. The facilitator Xubi Wilson said that the asterisk was omitted as a clerical error. While this matter was being discussed, Tony Affigne said that the ASGP was "a federation of autonomous state parties" that must be given time to discuss the relations between ASGP and GPUSA before the matter was discussed by the ASGP itself. He said that the resolutions from GPoNYS and NM suggests that one national group was authorized to negotiate with another national group whereas this issue should first go before the states and then back to the Coordinating Committee. [Rapporteur s note: I am a bit embarrassed to note that although I am from Rhode Island, I am unable to find a copy of the RI resolution. I hope someone will provide it to me so I can include it at the appropriate point in this discussion.] Linda Martin noted that the Rhode Island resolution addresses this matter and suggested not voting on any unity issues now. Nick Mellis moved that the CC address the two state resolutions now. His motion was seconded by Jess Perrier [MA]. Dean Myerson asked Do we address this issue now despite the mistake or dump it. The matter went to a vote and 22 favored addressing the matter then, 2 opposed and 3 abstained. Even as these narrower issues were being discussed there was simultaneous discussion of the resolutions proposed by GPoNYS and New Mexico. The New York group [one of two from that state affiliated with ASGP] proposed that ASGP and GPUSA shall start negotiations immediately about all subjects. New Mexico put forward a resolution that had been adopted by its state party. "We resolve that the New Mexico Green Party [NMGP] will not affiliate with the Greens/Green Party USA [GPUSA] until the following conditions are met by GPUSA 1) the withdrawal and suspension of GPUSA s Federal Election Commission filing for recognition as the Green Party National Committee, submitted to the FEC on August 2, 1996, prior to the 1996 Green Gathering, without discussion/debate or approval of the many Greens and state Green parties listed; 2) the removal of the New Mexico Green Party and New Mexico candidates from the FEC filing documents; 3) the revision of GPUSA bylaws to allow full participation by state Green parties in GPUSA decision-making, particularly in determining the nominating process of presidential candidates, the rules of procedure and regulations of a Green Nominating Convention, the adoption of a national platform, and in those areas directly impacting the interest of state Green parties. It was determined by the Steering Committee that delegates could vote for either of the state proposals or for None of the Above [NOTA]. Johann Moore [NY] said he could understand the allegations of bad faith since the GPUSA filing had been fraudulent, done by an employee without approval. He said that in activist circles the Green movement would look foolish with two seemingly contending parties. He said most Greens were waiting until both groups got their act together and that the general public would not vote for Greens until there were one reunified Green Party. He said his party was concerned about the lack of democracy within GPUSA and this was being addressed by members of his New York party the leadership of GPUSA. Many arguments with many shadings were advanced for the New York, the New Mexico and the NOTA positions. Eventually a vote was taken and NOTA [neither the New York nor the New Mexico resolutions] won. The vote was originally announced as 12 for NOTA and 7 for each of the state proposals. Later the vote was corrected and announced as 12 for NOTA, 8 for New Mexico and 7 for New York. Thus, after all the debate the status quo was maintained: there was to be no negotiation of structure between ASGP and GPUSA. However, there was affirmative action on two other matters brought before the Coordinating Committee by the Contact Committee [ Nancy Allen [ME], Jesse Perrier [MA] and Patrick Mazza [OR]. They said there were two areas where ASGP and GPUSA could work on matters of common interest. One was participating in a Conference on Bio-devastation and the other was in the formation of a Green Legislative Alert. Discussion of the two matters overlapped. Tony Affigne, speaking of the Conference on Bio-devastation, noted that ASGP state parties had been identified with GPUSA without their permission and he said that any inappropriate use of the ASGP name would be an indication of bad faith. This is a major condition. Howie Hawkins of GPUSA said his group had no problem with that, that we "don t want to imply any ASGP involvement" with the Green Congress. Steve Schmidt, speaking of the legislative alert, said that one of the FEC requirements is a working network. He said he would not want the FEC to construe any ASGP participation in a legislative alert network to be construed as supporting the GPUSA application. Howie Hawkins said that would not be the case and Patrick Mazza [OR], member of the Contact Committee, noted that the legislative alert would have three members each from ASGP and GPUSA. Schmidt said he thought that was a good way to proceed. Mazza proposed that ASGP sign on as a co-sponsor of the Bio-devastation conference with it made plain that it was completely separated from the Green Congress [seen as a GPUSA group]. Jenefer Ellingston seconded and it was adopted by consensus. ASGP accepts the invitation to sign on as a sponsor to the Biodevastation Conference, with the understanding that ASGP's sponsorship is completely separated from the Green Congress or GPUSA official activities happening subsequently. ASGP is not to be associated in any way with those GPUSA functions. This includes but is not limited to information carried in flyers, announcements, press releases and press conferences. This will be taken as evidence of good faith. It is also understood that ASGP's financial obligation will be limited to the $100 requested. Mazza then proposed that theASGP participate in a Green Legislative Alert with three members each from ASGP and GPUSA. It would have a specific provision that it could in no way be used by GPUSA in any FEC filing. Ellingston again seconded and it was passed with 18 in favor, 1 opposed and 5 abstentions. ASGP accepts the invitation to jointly form with GPUSA a Green National Legislative Alert Network, to be designated Green and not by either of our organizational names. ASGP will supply three people to serve on a six member coordinating group. This acceptance is made with the understanding that the participation of ASGP and its member states will in no way be used or listed in filings to the Federal Election Commission.
The committee made this proposal: ASGP urges that the GPUSA Coordinating Committee poll GPUSA's rank and file membership on a system of representation to a national Green Party in which locals are represented at the national level through state parties.
Tony Affigne argued that this proposal was out of order. "We don t think we should ask GPUSA about their internal structure, especially given the vote already taken about relations with GPUSA." Jenefer Ellingston said she saw nothing in the proposal that was an interference in the internal affairs of GPUSA. And Jesse Perrier, a member of the Contact Committee, said that the proposal was a tiny step toward a discussion of structure. Affigne moved that it be tabled. The vote was 8 in favor, 9 opposed so the discussion continued. The issue then came to a vote and it was 10 in favor, 10 opposed with 3 abstentions. Because it did not have a majority the motion failed. Then someone [don t know who] asked for a recount. This time the vote was 11 in favor, 10 opposed with 3 abstentions. Thus the resolution passed by one. But Lorna Salzman [NY] objected that the motion to recount had not been voted on and Affigne said that we had voted, one person called for a revote and we voted again. "We shouldn't work that way." Facilitator Xubi Wilson apologized and said the facilitators would try to keep the process tighter. Somewhere during this discussion the Rapporteur, who was facing the windows whereas the delegates were facing away, noted to the body that it was snowing heavily ... and it had been for some time. This caused a certain amount of confusion as the New Mexico hosts in charge of transportation were concerned that some people having flights that afternoon might miss them if they did not leave early. They also suggested that people planning to fly out of Albuquerque on Monday morning would be wise to stay in Albuquerque overnight to ensure making their flights. Dean Myerson said "We're about to lose our quorum" and suggested that the Coordinating Committee go to e-mail for some issues. Annie Goeke, as in past meeting, said that before the meeting broke up We should come together, make a circle and leave this conference with good vibes. Even though we still have these other urgent matters to consider, we must leave as people empowered. Everyone did form a circle, Annie spoke some Green words and the circle then broke up with smiles and warm words. But before the quorum disappeared [and the Steering Committee will have to decide exactly at what point that happened] the body plainly wanted to deal with the Chiapas resolution that Tony Affigne, and others, had been instructed to draft overnight. Affigne read the following words:
We the undersigned delegates of the state Green parties of the United States, meeting in Santa Fé, New Mexico, do hereby declare our solidarity with the policy of the Partido Verde Ecologista de Mexico, regarding the crisis in Chiapas. We acknowledge the position of the PVEM, as one consistent with the fundamental Green principles of social justice, non-violence, ecological wisdom, and grass-roots democracy. We endorse the PVEM's call for demilitarization, implementation of existing agreements, and full respect for the human, political, cultural, and economic rights of the Indigenous people of Chiapas. We recognize that the struggle in Chiapas is part of a broader Indigenous struggle in Mexico, the United States and throughout the Americas, and declare our continued support for the region's Indigenous people and their legitimate demands for autonomous cultural and social development. We call upon the President, Congress, and armed forces of Mexico to immediately demilitarize the Chiapas region; cease the harassment of the Indigenous people; recognize the legitimate voice of Indigenous leaders, formations, and assemblies; implement existing agreements respecting the rights of the people; and immediately end the wanton destruction of the Chiapan environment. We acknowledge the collaboration of the United States government and U.S.-based corporations in the repression of the people of Chiapas, exemplified by the role of the School of the Americas in training Mexican officers in brutal techniques of popular repression, by Chase Manhattan Bank's 1994 call to "eliminate" the Indigenous uprising, and in the ongoing provision of U.S. military intelligence, war material, and training to the Mexican armed forces. We call upon all Greens in the United States to condemn the U.S. involvement in the repression of the people of Chiapas; to take appropriate actions which will terminate all U.S. support for the Mexican military there; and to encourage the peaceful, respectful, and legitimate resolution of the tragedy in Chiapas. ASSOCIATION OF STATE GREEN PARTIES OF THE UNITED STATES Approved by the Coordinating Committee on April 26, 1998
The statement drafted by Affigne and others [I would name them if I had the names] was greeted with cheers and passed by enthusiastic acclamation. With some delegates and observers beginning to leave, Krista Paradise [CO] noted that some of us are not speaking as much as others. "We are smushed down." She was again referring to the practice of men dominating the discussion.
And Linda Martin [VA] noted that some of us relinquished our time yesterday with the understanding that our issues would be discussed today but that s not going to happen. She said that We [ASGP] need to make a commitment that when someone is flexible and surrenders time with the understanding that their issues will be discussed later, we must give them the respect they are due. We are not discussing the important question of ballot access now because we spent so much time on issues we weren t supposed to discuss. Martin noted that she had represented the ASGP in Washington, DC meetings of a loosely-organized group that included Greens, the Reform Party, Libertarians, the Natural Law Party and the League of Women Voters. The aim is to get Congress to change the law for ballot access at the federal level to about 5000 signatures statewide. [Note: in some states tens of thousands, sometimes even more than a hundred thousand signatures are necessary to get a candidate on a statewide ballot. On the other hand, in some states like New Jersey only 800 signatures are required and in Rhode Island 1000.] Martin said that in Virginia, her state, she had been unable to vote for Ralph Nader in 1996 and thus threw herself into this ballot access struggle. We need to form a legal foundation to go into states where there is ballot discrimination and actually sue the bastards. She added, however, that she was soon moving to California and that the Greens would have to chose another delegate by June 7 when the Greens are hosting the committee meeting. After that we will need someone else to represent us and she recommended Thomas Linzey, ASGP s legal adviser. This matter was not resolved.
The body again returned to the report of the Transition Committee. The committee recommended expanding itself from 7 to 11 to allow more diversity to help us achieve the most balanced result. Rick Lass, a committee member, said that it might be necessary to have the Steering Committee fill vacancies since not only were more members being added but some present members might not continue. The matter was put before the Coordinating Committee and there was no objection. Krista Paradise [CO] and Al Brooks [AR] volunteered for the committee and both were instantly welcomed.
Amy Tuthill {RI] and Johann Moore [NY] reported that they had met the previous night, that thus far they were the only two members of the caucus. Moore said that in the next month or so they could send information to the member states about the activities of the caucus. He suggested that there might be a join gay and lesbian caucus of ASGP and GPUSA, saying that caucuses need to exist because they are a safe space. Tuthill suggested that more gays and lesbians should be enlisted to join ASGP in its work.
Ron Kahlow reported that Greens in the DC area had formed a separate organization, Green Power PAC, to raise money for the ASGP, state parties and Green candidates. He said there was a secondary purpose to make Greens known, to give them an image. He said that soon the Green Party would soon be able to mount a real merchandizing effort on the Internet with a whole line of products, mugs, T-shirts, etc. Jonathan Stith [PA], who modeled a Green T-shirt, said that soon there'd be Green products: organic cotton, hemp, Green businesses, etc. Kahlow said that organizations with Green merchandize could sell through us at an online Greenmall. It would be a top of the line Internet service linking up all these businesses and we "would take a cut off the top." The delegates applauded Kahlow. As lunch neared and people began to drift away, Basil Kyriakakis was thanked for keeping time and Richard Walton was thanked for doing the horrible task of note-taking. Nick Mellis said that all those who were staying in Albuquerque that night would have to meet him to organize it. Tammy Davis thanked the caterers to much applause. Amy Tuthill thanked New Mexico for hosting the meeting. Lots of applause. Volunteer Tabitha Hall [who will be running for City Council in Albuquerque and who was hostess for the Greens staying overnight there] said "Thank you for coming. You're really juicing us." The meeting adjourned to reconvene at 1:30. After lunch the body returned briefly to the platform. [I need to add Steve Schmidt s language here.] Platform co-chair Holle Brian [MN observer] said that We want to allow latitude for each state s situation.
Patrick Mazza said that the committee needed a sparkplug person to make it work. He suggested that Linda Martin could be such a person and could serve even though she would be living in an unaffiliated state, California. John Rensenbrink [ME] said that would be no problem, that committee members can be from unaffiliated states. [Rapporteur s Note: Indeed, a number of members of various committees are from such states.] Basil Kyriakakis wondered if that state might object. There was no objection to Mazza s suggestion.
Nick Mellis [NJ] again suggested that the ASGP become a travel agent for a fee of $495 that would enable it to get commissions from travel by ASGP people and others. Chris Moore [NM], a Green city councilor in Santa Fé, said that in New Mexico Greens used Affinity Long Distance and with about 50 people signed up were getting about $100 a month, 60% back to the counties, 40% for the state.
Rick Lass [NM observer], a committee member, wanted to get a feel of how big this body should be and he asked people to suggest a number. Tony Affigne said you seem to feel that you need a number first. I think the formula should come first. Lass said "I think we need to have the body size first." Tammy Davis [NM] said "I think it important to determine the right size to make decisions. What the hell are we going to do with 500?" Lori Adolewski [HI] said "let's just do it." So everyone in the room made an estimate. They ranged from 50 to 200, with a preponderance saying 100. Lass: "That's all I really wanted to learn." Someone asked where the next meeting should be but there was no consensus as opposed to the meeting in Topsham, Maine last fall where there was overwhelming support for New Mexico. Nick Mellis said that New Jersey would like to host any national convention in 2000.
Then people began to make comments on the meeting just coming to an end. They were almost entirely favorable.
Tammy Davis, who organized the meeting, said she had a lot of documentation on what is required to do such a gathering and invited the host for next time to get in touch with her. Tony Affigne said "We've done a lot of wonderful things. I hope Lupita [Maria Mendez of the Mexican Green Party] can make use of this in Mexico. We know the US government is a participant in Chiapas. We, as a group, are very important people. This is part of the future. We've had a very successful meeting." David Cobb [TX observer] said "If we don't do it, save the planet, no one will." Tom Sevigny said that "we're growing with regard to trust in the Steering Committee." Dean Myerson added "We not only have the right values, the right people. We're demonstrating growing maturity."
Nancy Allen said "we are able to accept that there are some problems and not let it derail us. We are bringing back to the states a positive message." John Rensenbrink said of the acceptance of the Interim Position Statement "We couldn't have done that a year ago." Rick Lass said he regretted that the Transition Committee did not have the full time it needed but "overall I'm really pleased." Lori Adowlewski [HI] spoke of "the wonderful arrangements. We were so well taken care of from the moment of arrival. It reflects who Greens are." Howie Hawkins said it was a much better experience than Middleburgh. "I was inside this time." He counseled patience and said he was pretty optimistic. "We're in a much better place than we were." Chris Moore said he was pleased by the Chiapas resolution. "What I enjoyed most was the opportunity to network with other people, to share organizing skills and tactics." Patrick Mazza said the ASGP had gone "from a roomful of strangers to a roomful of friends, even family." He said there had been too much buzz around the edges of the room, not much of an area where people could go talk. "As we get larger, we encounter the occasional difficult personality. We've got to learn how gently to deal with that." And he added: "media and fundraising. We shoved them both to the end of the last couple of meetings. We've got to elevate them." Michelle Danels [NY] said she \"very much enjoyed the women s caucus and was very much inspired by the Friday evening speakers, Judge Fran Gallegos, candidate Carol Miller and Jason Kirkpatrick, vice mayor of Arcata, CA." Amy Tuthill [RI] said that the New Mexico party had done "a wonderful job and that the meeting had been very positive for me. I'm walking away inspired." Cameron Spitzer [CA observer] said that "a lot of stuff worked for me. I was more comfortable here than in some meetings at home." Jason Kirkpatrick [CA observer] said "it was good meeting folks from all over the country doing neat stuff that I can take back to Arcata." [His Friday evening presentation of the achievements of the Greens in Arcata, CA awed participants.] Many people thanked Tammy Davis and the New Mexico volunteers for their efforts. Steve Schmidt said the next meeting in 99 should allow more time for debate so substantive issues could come to the fore. "In New Mexico we stress good debates. Good information leads to good decisions." Tammy Davis said she really appreciated those who sent registrations and checks in advance. If a coordinator is chosen in time, we can expect adequate housing and food. She suggested that the Steering Committee come early to help organize the next meeting. She said the next meeting should try to have two separate rooms for meeting and eating and that there should be breakout rooms. And Tammy said the next hose should be a former delegate, that she or he should not try to serve as both delegate and host. Davis also suggested a better sound system, a tape recorder for a verbatim record of the meeting, perhaps video taping and perhaps an overhead projector so "we could have been writing language while looking at it. A copier should be available. I didn't like having to fight for a women's caucus. I felt we were getting squeezed." "We have to keep costs under $100 per participant: keep costs down and meet people's needs." As the meeting came to an end, the Rapporteur was again thanked with much applause.
And, of course, everything in this packet is on 100% post consumer recycled paper.
Attending Delegates
ASGP CC Meeting
Santa Fe, NM, April, 1998
Al Brooks
Basil Kyriakakis
Tom Sevigny
Dean Myerson
Krista Paradise
Kevin McCarron
Jenefer Ellingston
Lori Adolewsli
Betty Zisk
Jesse Perrier
Nancy Allen
John Rensenbrink
Craig Harvey
Dana Cunningham
Nick Mellis
Tammy Davis
Steve Schmidt
Lorna Salzman
Michele Danels
Johann Moore
Patrick Mazza
John Stith
Annie Goeke
Amy Tuthill
Tony Affigne
Jonathan Bates
Linda Martin
Bern Haggerty
Amy Moon