David Rovics—”We Will Shut Them Down”
Nadine Bloch—Facilitator:
Welcome to All
Welcome from the Steering Committee:
Anita Rios
Re: the Mayflower Ambience
There is no grand conspiracy—In the future, we will plan better for an ambiance which is more reflective of our values and less of those that we wish to alter, so indicative of consumption and materialism.
Words from the Steering Committee:
Pledge to support the new SC
Report prepared to brief the CC.
SC has struggled with identifying issues. The members are far from homogenous, emphasis has been on diversity with a focus not on agreement, but discussion and cooperation. Understanding is essential that we may move forward.
This SC began in July 2002.
Tom Sevigny returned after the resignation of Barb Payne. Jo Chamberlain and Ben Manski are running for re-election—Natalie is not. We thank Nat for her work as Secretary. Twice a year, the SC meets in person for a face to face strategy meeting. Attempted Strategic Planning (only a first phase—any Real Strategic Plan must come from this
body, the CC) As with any volunteer body, some delegates take on more work, we need greater participation. We hope all delegates, of the CC and the SC, will take on the responsibility.
Jo Chamberlain (CA)
Introductions of fulltime employees
Dean Myerson-whose title is for each of you to apply
Jack Urich—Finance Director
Allison Mueller-Event Coordinator
Annie Goecke—Co-Coordinator of Event, Office Magnate
Nathan Case—Database Expert
Kenda Markle (Goddess of the Web)
Greg Malkin–Bookkeeper
Jason Ravin & Alexandra Silverthorne (consultants)
Ben Manksi (WI)
Full-Time Staff Hires (only 2 full time in the last 2 years)
Dean Myerson the first, in fall of 2001, as Political Coordinator.
Jack Urich-
*Also last year, Leticia Diggs was our Administrative Aide for about
half the year
Currently hiring for the position of Political Coordinator
Also budgeted to hire 2 more positions:
Political Director
Budget Director
Both to stay in DC.
We are leaving the current office (about 3 blocks away) signing a lease on Monday, on the third floor (instead of the basement) so the Political Coordinator will not have to swim to work.
SC responsibility is to schedule votes and discussions. For example, implemented votes from Monday to Sunday. Consensus Building Proposals will take three weeks to discuss and one week to vote.
The initial voting page and web-based voting page have been initiated.
(Please see Nathalie for password as necessary)
Another big responsibility of the SC is to facilitate and oversee Committee work and improve Communications. SC will train committee chairs to manage their own list servers, help facilitate conference calls for committees, and arrange retreats. We have new Finance and Personnel Committees, also Diversity & Peace Committees
Tom Sevigny
Campus Greens are back in action and will be reporting
Also there is a joint committee with GPUSA (what was written is clearly wrong, but I do not know what organization was meant).
We still have the same income, still bringing in $2k\day
BRPP is tasked to review bylaws—to be presented this afternoon.
Should enhance communication and take much workload off the SC.
Re: Fundraising (Jo Chamberlain)
We’ve raised 65% more this year than last. Go us!
Jake Schneider—Treasurer (WI)
The current rules and procedures are deeply outdated, new ones are forthcoming.
Transparency is Good—many thanks to Doug Malkan (CO), our party accountant.
Jo Chamberlain OKs all expenses of over $2k.
A weekly email report details our budget reserves.
Sun Trust bank is our local DC bank.
$283,802 has been collected by end of June 2003.
More info coming on Fundraising Comm report & Finance Comm. Report
Manski—Re spokespeople
Although our representation is 300,000 and growing, Greens are too often shut out of the media, major conferences and events.
SC has worked to put prominent national Greens (not just SC) before the media and the public (for example, NYC 2/15, Sorry State of the Union). This increases visibility, and people want to hear more about the message we (SC) are putting out about the Party.
Anita Rios and Jake Schneider are still serving.
Badilli Jones is not here this weekend—he needs to hear from us that we want his leadership.
Some strategic planning has been happening, but more must, especially in conversations with Delegates over the weekend. . .
Dean Myerson—
Office Report
Office opened in Feb 2001, set up basic operations & database for tracking funds in support of media ops. Large corporate banks are not really accustomed to working with Political Parties, but we’ve trained Sun Trust and now we can make deposits just a block away.
Our relations with the FEC are good, all reports arrive on time.
SC has taken on media work
Clearing House for Green Pages
More Merchandising Operation is developing—we encourage your participation.
Our office is moving in one week (the work never stops) and we are looking forward to helping the new Operations Manager.
Facilitation & Agenda Review
Nadine Block
Changes to the agenda are forthcoming.
Timekeeping ( Jo and Dean)
Minute Takers will restate proposals before testing for consensus
We may need scribes.
Consensus Process:
Proposal, Clarifying Questions, Concerns & Affirmations (Potential Amendments), Restate Proposal and Test for Consensus, Resolve Further Concerns, when all concerns have become Stand-Asides, we have reached Consensus.
Closure Options: 1. Table 2. Negotiate for additional time 3. Vote by Majority (Simple or 2/3, depending on policy in packet)
There needs to be agreement with the process, if not with the decision.
Speakers are limited to 1 Minute, can request an additional minute
Stack will be kept by SC, preferably alternating by gender.
Amendments can be accepted by proponent, or by the SC, which can be overruled by a simple majority of CC.
Bylaws can be set aside ONLY ONCE.
Proposals can be tabled by the Proponent or by a simple majority
We will always test for consensus before moving to vote.
The agenda must be accepted by simple majority of CC, which is our next step.
Request for copies of Rules for all delegates
Please keep the use of acronyms to a bare minimum.
Tony A of Rhode Island—What is this process to be used for? It is not clear from the agenda about when the proposals will be taking place. Are these proposals on the agenda for decision or discussion? (answer: both)
Re the proposals, it is up to the CC whether or not we vote.
RI—normally we have 4 weeks to discuss complex proposals, but some of these are coming much faster.
California has withdrawn the CCC proposal for a vote in the interest of building.
Modifications & Proposals
Reports: Time for Accreditation and Diversity is 10 minutes for each.
Media will be the first report after Accred.
Green Pages will have 10 min. at the end.
After Lunch:
Bylaws, Rules, Policy and Procedures (BRPP)
Now at 1:45
Accreditation of Alabama at 1:30
Medea Benjamin, just returned from Baghdad, will speak tomorrow (Sat.)
at 8:30 am.
Caucus Accreditation (AC/DC Proposal)
Scribe Volunteered–Brent
*Honor Time and the Agenda
*Step Forward, Step Back
*Use the Microphone
*Use the ASL for applause
*please be respectful
*please always identify yourself
*please be brief, try not to repeat
*please keep in mind that everything we do here will effect the nation
and the world (positively!)
FL-Proposed to Approve Agenda
NY—Why no report from Platform Comm?
BM—30 minutes tomorrow for Platforms
Agenda Approved
Ginny Case, CA
David Pollard, TX
Copy available.
New faces: 13 members (in report)
4 members have departed and we thank them for their work
Welcome Indiana, Louisiana (a model of a new state party!), South Carolina (made leap from being a caucus within another party to their own entity). Alabama is pending today!
Illinois now has 4 CC reps.
Reminder: States get 1 CC rep. for every 4 state districts where there is an active local.
Accreditation will consider and approve swiftly requests for full representation.
Hybrid proposal will be brought forward this weekend.
Vibes issue on the report. . .(to be addressed next)
Conditional Accred to Lavender Caucus has expired.
Can we extend?
Seeking input and direction on how best to approach seats for the Identity Caucuses for the 2004 Convention.
Rachel Treichler from NY—felt the report had some blame in it. . .
Scott McLarty—Washington, DC
At noon today, there will be a press conference. All local, state, and national candidates are requested to come.
In order to prepare for 2004, we need to build strong media committees.We need local press releases to come to the national level. We want to help facilitate your local media teams and maintain contacts between local and national teams. We need to help the media get to know us. They need to know our local party and elected officials. That’s how we will begin to control them. . .(muahahaha!)
We want to get more articles and op-eds published, in progressive as well as mainstream media.
Video link is up on Nat’l Website—we want them for local and state as well.
They have been very busy and issued a lot of press releases.
Carla—TX What about the Independent Press?
All are encouraged to involve your local party with the Independent Media Centers.
Mike Wyman—CA—How can we be at the Media Comm. Meeting and the SC elections at the same time?
Jenefer—DC—Can Alternates Vote?
Anita—OH—We need to reach out to Latino publications.
Diversity Committee
14 Beautiful People Standing
We refuse to bleed from the wounds of the past.
We are joined by the Youth Caucus.
George Martin (WI)
DivCom meets by phone conference every other week Our function is to include underrepresented groups. We should accredit the Lavender Caucus ASAP.
“Change in society. . .will only come when the 80% of the people with the 6% of the wealth become engaged. . . .”
“It is very important to build understanding and trust in spite of these differences. Be introspective, self-educated, take risks in interaction.” “Diversity is not so much an outreach as a go-to and become them.”
Morgan (ME)
Tia Bowe (VA)—Youth Caucus is looking forward to the work
George– Black Caucus has met weekly since Philadelphia.
Jo Chamberlain (CA)
Want to tell you something that, as Greens, may be difficult to hear: Money is good. It helps make things happen.
Other members:
Dean Myerson
Nick Melis, NJ
Jack Urich
Jake Schneider, Treasurer.
Alex Brideau, CA
There are others. . .
When party formed in July of 2001, we had about $20,000.
Money comes, mostly, from mailings. Solicitations occur 4 times a year. 1000 for 1000 campaign brings in sustaining contributions.
Sustaining money: $12k/month.
Understand how successful we could be. . . with more income from the states, we could add paid staff.
Forever Green and Growing Program, involves a staff member calling states. Splits raised funds with states.
Phone-a-thon. Statistically, if a person is contacted 2 or 3 times, they often increase their contribution by 2 or 3 times. Successful candidates should help others by sharing lists.
Help is needed. 1 hour a month would be huge!
Limit: $10k from any individual. This prevents millionaires from taking over the party.
Merchandising is fundamentally with Steering, but is now functionally with Fundraising
Alex Brideau, CA
Buttons, Platforms, Summaries, Green Pages, various CDs, Green Party Coffee Blend, more to come! Suggestions are welcome.
If you want to be involved, see Alex and get on the new email listserv.
Jack Urich—fundraising folder! Please give, before you leave this conference.
Workshop at noon today. Everyone at the workshop will do experiential learning, and come and ask us all join the 1000 for 1000 campaign. The minimum contribution is $10/month. We have to think like a union (everyone must pay their dues) or a church (we all must tithe). Otherwise, we get out-spent or bought-up. Together we can fight it. Please hit the workshop. The best teacher is a personal example. How committed are you to bringing the vision into reality . . .?
Nick Melis
CD—Music from the Grassroots
One musician—Jeff, is also a local official. Others are pending, as is a GREENSTOCK tour. If your state is interested in selling these as a fundraiser, contact
Ballot Access
Juscha Robinson (MI, WI)
Ballot Access Working Group (BAWG)
The Nader 2000 Campaign played a major role in getting and maintaining
ballot access in many states.
Access is the single most important barrier.
The National Party must be able to support the state parties in their
various quests for access.
Some states have oppressive laws for ballot access—OK, NC, GA.
Access is a huge tool for party building.
BAWG desires/needs new members. People with experience or who are
interested are encouraged to enlist. Meeting this Sunday from 3 to 4.
Hoping that all will work within your state (and neighboring states)
Coordinated Campaign Committee (CCC)
Work on Elections (the most exciting thing the party is doing)
Flowchart-Diagram to be helpful for state parties
Elections will occur this weekend. 10 persons elected.
Please give a look-see to the brief statements of interest in the packets.
Current Members
Dan Kinney-PA
Masada Disenhyouse NY
Marnie Glickman (OR)
Martinez from OH
Ben Manski (WI)
Penny Teal (CT)
Jody Can (RI)
Susan King (CA)
Dan Johnson-Wineberger (IL)
Potential CCC members also introduced.
Re: Trends
One concern—Candidate Recruitment
There is one extant Working Group
Potential: Debates, Redistricting, Campaign Finance, IRV
Please give us some feedback: we are responsible and accountable to you.
Marnie Glickman (OR)
- Services and Benefits
- One on One support: personal consultations by
phone or email, to help individuals as candidates and support
staff. - Campaign Hotline—number on the website
- Revised/Improved Campaign Manual, now on the
website - Regional Campaign Schools now planned for the
Great Plains, Pacific NW, elsewhere Monthly Reports are published
on the CC list - Campaign website template
- Elections Database: Greens.org/elections
- Volunteer recruitment
Masada—Please submit applications for targeted campaign funds and other assistance. . .
Goal of CCC—get nationally available resources out to local campaigns and help them win! This is first year of this program, it is evolving and will improve.
Targeted Campaign Resources
Can mean anything: GP highlights, info on web page, etc. We have a helpful handbook.
Campaign Staff Matching Funds
For staff only. $5k allocated for this year. Targeted for $250-500.
Hoping to increase $ for next year. Leftover matching funds roll over to the next election cycle.
Standard questionnaires, easy to fill out, determine basic eligibility criteria.
Rules are in packets.
4 “cycles” per year.
Applications are key. They too are in packets.
State and local parties cannot apply—only campaigns.
This year, July 20 is the deadline to apply. See Marnie for questions about the questionnaires.
1.Committee Members named. Committee is new. Struggled a little in getting rolling, but it’s gaining momentum.
2. Proposals are moving forth. Bill Myers (CA) is working on these.
3. Database is being updated
4. We need a credit card policy.
5. Audits: 2002 must still occur. Difficult to combine records from CO, MI, & DC
International—the Green world is growing!
Annie Goeke, Tony Affigne (new)—co-chairs
45 members, advisers, observers
2nd largest committee
Julia Willebrand and Tony Affigne from RI
Global Green Network—104 Green parties in the world
John Rensenbrink, ME, & Marnie
Federation of the Green Parties of the Americas (elects 3 persons to Global)
11 Green Parties in the Western Hemisphere
La Junta of 12 persons is the collection
Thanks and Gratitude to Tod Sloan, who will remain heading up grassroots Foreign Policy discussions
Yellow Pages in folders are International Committee Business
This year was a great year for international connections. The Iraq war fostered incredible dialogue, solidarity, and the most massive global outpouring in opposition to military adventurism in any century. Green Parties everywhere were at the forefront. We should be mucho proud of the network of Green Parties of which we are a part, especially Australia.
Foreign Policy Working Group discussion is key. We want strong local participation in the Foreign Policy/Int’l Conversation
WTO (Jim Polk-VA) info (September 10—Cancun) is pending. . .
This year, many events: World Social Forum, European Green Party summit Federation meeting in Santo Domingo in 2002
Two initiatives will be forthcoming.
- Cuba Position Statement
(David Shwartzman of DC has been helping develop a draft) - Iran Position-Sarah Amir and Bahram Zandi
- NonViolent Peace Force
- FTAA in Miami in November
Many foreign delegations have met with us here over the course of the year, all are entertained, always to their gratitude.
INCOMING Delegations/Delegates: Cote d’Ivoire, Georgia (the nation), Mexico
Presidential Exploration (PEC)
John Strawn, Jane Hunter, co-chairs
Handout is around, somewhere.
PEC sent letters to 41 proposed Presidential
Candidates (names received from state parties).
Facilitated Discussion this afternoon at 3:30 pm.
First part—Cafe style, breaking up into small groups
Second part—Larger, consensus building style of conversation
Session is open to all
David Barenson (OH) is now the point contact for the committee.
Peace (GPax)
Jodie Howell (WA)
George Martin
William DeCarlo
Voter Registration is Key!
There is a contest for the best ideas. Entries are due by September 1.
100 to 200 words describing your project/enticement to increase voter registration.
Greens participate in many events, but often are not identified as Greens. So we have provided Green armbands. . .and encourage states/locals others to adopt this concept, for instance at
The Women in Black are at Farragut Square today, 5:30-6:30
This administration has transgressed egregiously.
Peace Committee will forward proposals to impeach George Bush (and Cheney).
National Days of Action
September 10—Commemoration of 9/11
October—New York—To Condemn our Congress’ Authorization to invade Iraq
November 19—Miami FTAA demos—make it hotter!
August 29, 2004 NYC—Republican National Convention. Need I say more?
Green Pages
Stacy Malkan, co-chair of new GP editorial board
New editor: Eric Prindle, NY
Encouraging States to look at the following:
We need new members to commit to GP duties.
Submissions are much encouraged, especially from women.
With Op-Eds, please keep it short. . .(Good in 1500 words is Great in 700 words)
We want to focus on stories about successes—What’s Working?!
Inspiration about How To Win.
NEXT ISSUE: September 15
DEADLINE: August 15 for LTEs, Op-eds, cartoons, State Committee and Congress reports Nothing Accepted after Aug 31
Then Dec.1, Regular Rotation of March, June, September, December.
We have a style guide on the website.
GP—One issue always sent to all donors—this issue will sell out—get yours NOW!
Voting System—involves voting cards, you must have one to vote—get yours SOON from the SC table.
Q re voting: Each person may hold up to 2 cards.
Friday Afternoon
Accreditation of Alabama
David Pollard (TX)
Received application from Alabama just over 1 month ago.
5 current locals
Voted at State Convention on March 15, 2003 to join the National Convention
Working assiduously on Diversity Issues and Ballot Access
Must get 41,000 signatures and receive 20% for access
John Stith is here—Alt. Delegate from Alabama
Tracy Cope and Rod Collins
No Concerns
Proposal Approved by Ultimate Consensus
Welcome, Alabama!
3 min. And 2 seconds to propose and approve—a
new record. . . ?
time for a BRPP Proposal Bylaws, Rules, Policy and Procedures
Greg Gerrett, RI
CC shall establish standing committees
Highlights of the proposal approved by the CC
electronically about 3 weeks ago: approved 59-3
All committees shall now produce their own bylaws, rules, policies and procedures, and submit them to the BRPP.
All committees shall now develop a membership packet.
New proposal, re: the steering committees.
The party is GROWING, we are doing much more WORK, and we need to make some ADJUSTMENTS.
The proposal in the Blue Pages of the Packet is not really a proposal, but an opinion. There are more questions than answers there. There is a lot of material there, and some intra-committee disagreement. How many have read the proposal? (many hands raised—maybe 60%)
Question: How do you view the CC? What kind of a body are you?
Something like a legislature. Committees are very important.
This organization is a federation of state parties—not unlike a federal legislature.
Committees are the places where things get done in a national or state legislature.
If you don’t think of yourselves that way, how do you think of yourselves?
Before restructuring, try to consider the unanticipated consequences.
Staffing of Committees:
Being on a committee is, in addition to being interesting and necessary, great training for being delegates.
So, how to get more interest in, enthusiasm for, committee membership (both within the CC and from other state & local party members)?
Three options:
ME—Supports structuring as legislature. As we develop power and gain more elective offices, this body should be ready to replace the regime!
Elizabeth Shankley—Helpful to have an easy list of all committees and committee contact persons.
(Most is on the website)
VA—Susan—Delegates need to know what are the skills required for serving on Committees
WA—Jody Howell—Don’t let off the hook ex-delegates—serious talent pool there
CA—John Strong—this org is built (rightly) modeled after state parties. Committees once had to be “affirmed” by state parties. What is the role of states when it comes to committees in general?
(comment from the CC is sought)
NJ—Jane Hunter—Committees should also indicate level of commitment and time required to serve. Also, how to handle the votes of non-performing Committee members?
AZ—Scotty—Item 6, Oversight (in a minute. . .)
AZ—Stan—Doesn’t see self as a legislator—is more of a conduit to his people back
DC—Jen El—2nd Jane Hunter: we must engage the old members. (Emphasis on Ensuring Participation—Think, would you prefer each Comm to write its own rules or have the BRPP write one set as a model)
FL—Hopes the country looks to the Greens as a regeneration/reclamation
TX—everything sounds a little more Top-Down than ideal. In a volunteer organization, motivation is everything. We should be asking how do we motivate people to want to engage in committees.
AK—Deirdre Helfferich—Motivation is a BIG problem when you’re being delegated to w/o having gotten to have INPUT. The question before us should be how do we motivate individuals to want to have that input?
TX—Nathalie—CC should request that Delegates participate in committees.
Organizational Chart –Tom Sevigny (CT)
This year, the SC has realized the necessity to make alterations in accordance with party growth since the late 80s. SC becoming relatively snowed under with work (20+ hrs/week). Changes are necessary. Ergo, the sexy organizational flowchart proposed before us today.
Essentially, 2 Co-Chairs, which are both general coordinators AND national spokespeople, Treasurer, Secretary, and 5 Coordinators, each responsible for a different Division (Internal, Outreach, Electoral, Organizing, & Finance). New SC would be 9 members, or 7 if Treasurer and Secretary also head Divisions Any org. structure is only as good as the people who make up, and abide by, that structure.
Mark Reichart (MI)
Do we elect people specifically to a portfolio (“division”)?
We want the SC to have flexibility to adjust, but also we must have accountability for tasks. It can be difficult to change. There are a lot of questions to absorb and answer. There are many reservations, but these are necessary changes, evolution as size increases.
Is this time for Oversight Committee? (no, that’s next)
NY—Julia W.—Thanks for so much good work. Concerns about flowchart nomenclature. “Overseeing”? “Spokespeople”? This
flowchart says bureaucracy and hierarchy. Where is the space for a grassroots party here? Choose wording carefully.
NJ—Jane Hunter—Burden on coordinators to “oversee” each committee is substantive.
OH—David Berenson—Would like to see more formality with liaisons between committees.
OH—Martinez—SC members working with committees is Good. But a better flowchart would show all the committees as a circle, around the coordinators in the middle, more similar to Oh
CA—Alex Brideau—Overall a positive proposal. Procedurally, a vote on this item should take place with sufficient lead time to adjust mentally before elections
CA—Kevin—The challenges of 2004 will eclipse anything we’ve seen prior. But the work will continue. In this chart, “a single slacker could paralyze an entire wing of the party”
PE—Dan Kinney—Congrats on the chart. Concern that Electoral and Organizing divisions are listed separately, but they must function almost in tandem, especially during a campaign season.
TX—John—There are other models and different ways to organize the portfolios. What about greivance process? Where would they go?
WA—Steve Hamm—Traditional Hierarchical Top-down model is unfortunate—would prefer the suggested circular model
CT—John Battista—supports a Public Policy committee. 2 needs for the CC
1. Who will write policy for the CC to approve or disapprove.
2. Call for white papers about existing policy—someone must write them. Who must do this? (Either a public policy committee or a WG of the Platform committee)
FL—Alan—Good to move in the direction of lightening the load of the SC. A magic wand could choose 5 to 7 people to sit back and be the eyes and ears of the party w/o too much direct commitment. Information should come up through the committees, filter through, filter back down, almost like a lava lamp. . . (No one wanted to write a structure that relied upon paid staff—not until we have far more secure financial footing. Obvious reluctance to put co-chairs in a position of maximum authority. . . To coordinators who drop off the map, the CC would have to be notified and act if, for instance, a SC member missed 3 calls. . .
AZ—Scotty—BRPP to be applauded for effort. But if committees are to write their own brpps and ps, then why don’t we leave this to the SC to decide?
AZ—Stan—People are the most self-managed tend to do most of the work. . .then, when someone bails, a raft of work is suddenly undone. What if we helped train people to be more effective?
IL—Mark Sanson—Likes expanding the committee, likes portfolios (but should be flexible) Re co-chairs, What specifically is the need and where are the roles defined? And why can’t the CC make rules for itself as necessary?
IA-Holly Hart—RE: Conflict of Interest, & to those concerned that we represent the state parties. . . See full proposal for better clarity
ME—John Rensenbrink—Pretty good plan, & we are developing the maturity to make it work. Flexibility should be reflected in the visualization of this overall plan, that the SC may be able to let go of what needs release, and grasp what more can be grasped.
MI—Carolyn Delay—I see co-chairs as facilitators, not decision makers. They should get summaries about their wings. Where is the International Committee on the chart?
Re the word “Oversight”, the fundamental goal is Accountability. So, to the possibility of a SC (for lack of a better word) “Oversight” Committee. There are several ways to provide it. There are several ways to keep the CC informed about what the SC is up to. For instance, another group of 5, 7 or 9 people could be answer people — communications links between individual members of the SC and the full CC. Several ways: maybe a rotating group where people serve for a month or two, also possibly more typical longer terms of discussion. (in short, how about a committee to watch the watchers. . .)
ME—Morgan—there is always a problem to find a place for process complaints to go. Better to stick with words that are clear, such as “Greivance” or “Complaint” Committee
MO—Dee Berry (?)–I would like to see something like a “Green Court”, whose aim is mediation, and which is a fair, independent
body to point towards a Third Way.
NJ—Re: Org Chart—Exec. Committee should be allowed to organize itself, including allowing the 7 elected co-chairs to decide portfolio & positions among themselves.
OH—David Berenson—supporting internal mediation. Should have, not just coordinators, but “co-coordinators”
SC—Carl Munson—Has the group looked at what goes on in other countries? Are we re-inventing the wheel? “Best Practices”
of Greens Internationally should be looked at and potentially incorporate
TN—Katey Culver—Now we’re asking a “twin” to shadow the SC? But re: the concern of a whole debilitated line, at least it would be much easier to see if people were not standing and delivering in their role.
TX—Demanding is not the kind of thing you can do in a volunteer organization. Consensus Learning to deal with confusion (or perceived confusion) is important to doing grassroots work.
TX—Much would be better if there were more transparency between the SC and the CC
VA—Org Chart—though drawn as traditionally top-down, Coordinators don’t have decision making power, they have coordination power, so the chart may be misleading but should not be prejudiced
WA—Jody Haug—Have read much minutes—reading lengthy minutes is not a hallmark of transparency. Better to have Executive
Minutes. . .
CT—Tom Sevigny—”oversight committee” seems redundant, creating a SC over the SC.
WI—Ben Manski—SC has been asked to
OH—Anita Rios—We need more bodies on the SC to develop written reports and promote transparency. “I consider us an abstraction of the power that is created at the grassroots and in the states.” Would like to see something more reflective of that. Would rather see a regional approach to selecting the SC.
CT—John—likes the possibilities of Regionalist Approach. Should SC members have a vote at the CC level “It would put SC
more in the role of facilitators.
DC—Jen—Not to focus too much on terminology, think more of the larger picture. Second for separating the SC from the CC.
FL—Alan Coburn—SC as is is okay. Portfolios are good. Coordinating board or group may set agenda. (within the SC)
FL–Grassroots/Direct Dem. Vs. Representative/Legislative model. Not to forget that this party is committed to Grassroots Democracy
HI—Clara Mortimer—Requirements—works should flow from your passion (hard to fit 5 round coordinators into square holes).
Organizing and Public Policy are critical areas that need their own Divisions.
AK—Helfferich—BRPP seems not to know
AL—John Stith—Clarity on oversight committee
1. Greivance proceedure
2. volunteer observers of SC
3. procedures for What If we are slipping
4. Accountability and Oversight—still has to be US, the CC
MD—Good changes, good to clarify lines of responsibility. Support Committee might be a better way to describe the work of the proposed “oversight” committee
RI—some of this discussion would create more hierarchy, not less Likes a mediation committee. We are the accountability mechanism
NC—Gray Newman—how can we get delegates to volunteer for committees when only 50% vote online?
CA—Greg Jan—Current SC needs help with huge work amounts. Why not add more persons to be Division Liasons?
Discussion ended. BRPP will sleep on it.