Green Party Annual National Meeting, 2007

". . . the disgust of the American people with what they see before them. All they need is the blueprint and a road map. Why not have the Green Party provide the blueprint and the road map?" ~ Cynthia McKinney, Green Party National Meeting, July 15, 2007.


Schedule | Workshop Schedule | Election Tabulation Committee Report (.pdf )


Friday Afternoon | Saturday Morning | Saturday Afternoon | Sunday

Facilitators for the 2007 GPUS Annual National Meeting: Drew Johnson (CA), Lynne Serpe (NY), Kat Swift (TX), Dave Bosserman (DC), Olivia Caldaval (DC), Jane Hunter (NJ), George Martin (WI), Julia Willebrand (NY), Matt Abel (MI), Alison Duncan (NY)

Thanks to Ruth Weill (AnmCom chair), Dave Kurzweg (Meeting Coodinator) Jennaro Pullano (Green candidate for Mayor of Reading, PA), Bob Small, Jess (intern), Matt (music), Hillary Aisenstein, Randi Peters, Isabelle Buonocore, Emily Citkowski, Bren McMillan


All videos listed here are provided by websites that are independent of the Green Party of the United States.

Presidential Candidate Hopefuls

Presidential Candidate Forum
Jared Ball | M. Jingozian | Jesse Johnson | Jerry Kann | Kent Mesplay | Gail Parker | Joe Schriner | Kat Swift |

Vice President Candidate Hopefuls
Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyawaisifza-Curry

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Mike Feinstein’s YouTube Video Archive

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