Green Party of Pima County running two candidates in 2017 Tucson City Council Primary Election!
The Green Party of Pima County (GPPC) is running two candidates in the 2017 Tucson City Council Election. The two candidates, Michael Cease, and Michael Oatman, are both running in Ward 6, in the August 29, 2017 Primary Election. While most municipalities in Arizona have non-partisan elections, Tucson is unique because its elections for mayor and city council are partisan (candidates may run with a party designation, or run as an independent).
The winner of the Green Party Primary will move on to the November 7, 2017 General Election. Here is a brief bio, and the campaign issues, for the two Green Party candidates.
The Green Party of Pima County (GPPC)
Posted by Angel Torres
August 21, 2017
Michael Cease is the chairperson of the Green Party of Pima County (GPPC). He previously ran as the Green Party candidate for Pima County Recorder in the November 2016 General Election. He set a personal and Green Party record when he received 80,588 votes (22.20% of the vote). As a Ward 6 Council candidate, Michael's top 3 campaign issues are:
- A Green New Deal for Tucson: thousands of fair wage, sustainable energy jobs retrofitting hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses with energy conservation, solar energy and water harvesting.
- $15 NOW: adopt a city-wide minimum wage of $15/hour now.
- Sanctuary City: adopt a strong and substantive Sanctuary Cities ordinance joining dozens of cities nationwide in solidarity making Tucson a welcoming community for immigrants.
Michael's campaign website link is:, and his campaign Facebook page link is:
(Photo credit: Libby Hubbard).
Michael Oatman previously hosted a show on Access Tucson called "Illegal Knowledge". He is running because he believes the Tucson City Council needs progressive representation. As a Ward 6 Council candidate, Michael's campaign issues include:
- Making Tucson a Sanctuary City
- Water conservation, and an increase in recycling
- Divestment from corporations that support border militarization, and which are not carbon-neutral. Invest in corporations which improve the economy, people's lives and the environment.
Michael's campaign website link is:
(Photo credit: Michael Oatman for Ward 6 campaign).
If you are a registered Green Party voter in Ward 6, please make sure to vote in the Primary Election on Tuesday, August 29, 2017!
Mr. Cease and Mr. Oatman participated in a candidate debate on the Arizona Public Media program "Metro Week" on August 4, 2017.