2018 Green Party of New York State Convention – May 19
Please join your fellow Greens at the Green Party of New York State (GPNY) Nominating Convention on May 19th at the Rensselaer Presbyterian Church. The convention is hosted by Upper Hudson Green Party.
State conventions are where you get to make your voice heard to Greens from across New York. Choosing our candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Comptroller and Attorney General is important business! And your vote counts.
Plus you'll get to meet candidates from around the state and learn more about what we can do to organize, build, and win the world we want.
GPNY staff and volunteers have arranged workshops, guest speakers and an exciting convention experience for rank-and-file Greens. RSVP now if you can attend or would like to be sent more information!
Thanks for making system change possible.
Rensselaer Presbyterian Church
34 Broadway, Rensselaer, New York 12144
Saturday, May 19th at 1:00 PM
Guest Speakers
Dr. Alice Green, Prison Reform Advocate
Vijay Prashad, Journalist & Historian
Christine Elms, Village of South Glens Falls Trustee
10:00 AM
GPNY State Committee Business
11:00 AM
GPNY Convention Opening with Guest Speakers and Workshops
1:15 PM
Lunch (will be provided, donation requested)
2:30 PM
Nomination Process for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General and Comptroller