2019 Green Wave Telethon
Surf’s up! The Green Party of the United States is preparing for its 2nd annual "Green Wave Telethon," a fundraising effort that is scheduled for broadcast on Facebook on Thursday, October 3rd from 9:00 – 10:00 pm ET!
The telethon will feature live candidate interviews and recorded videos from dozens of Green Party candidates and supporters. The two-hour long event will be hosted by Erin Fox and Craig Seeman. Guests will include the following 2019 Green Party candidates:
- Monica James, running for District #4 Muncie City Council, Indiana
- Craig Cayetano, running for Hawthorne Council Ward 3, New Jersey
- Kat Bruner-James, running for Ferndale City Council, Michigan
- Dave Sutliff-Atias, running for Rochester City Council
Also appearing are Green Party Steering Committee members Hillary Kane and Trahern Crews.
The Coordinated Campaign Committee (CCC), along with the Media Committee, is hosting the 2019 Green Wave Telethon to celebrate all of the awesome campaigns happening this year and to raise funds that the CCC can distribute to Green candidates.
RSVP at https://www.facebook.com/events/407109326670332/