Join us at the October General Assembly

The Green Party of California invites California Greens to its next virtual General Assembly (GA) taking place on Saturday, October 21, 2023.

This General Assembly will be focused on selecting the presidential candidates to be recommended to the California Secretary of State for inclusion on the GPCA presidential primary election ballot as well as other agenda items submitted by committees and counties. For more information on the selection process please see Article I of the Rules and Procedures of the Green Party of California.

The GA planning Committee is currently soliciting agenda items from County Organizations and Committees. Those wishing to submit agenda items should notify the State Meeting Planning Committee ([email protected]) as soon as possible. The final proposals in this format are due by Monday, September 4th along with any supporting documents. A draft agenda will be available shortly thereafter.

The General Assembly is the primary decision-making body of the GPCA and consists of delegates from each active county organization. Delegates are selected by the counties each July and serve as delegates to both the GA and the Online GA (the SGA).

Please be on the lookout for further notices with additional details, including a draft agenda and registration, as they become available.

Send any questions, comments, or ideas to [email protected].

We look forward to seeing you at the GA.

Green Party of California Inform List

Please help by forwarding this message to Greens in your community and in your committees.

  • October 21, 2023 at 10:00am – 1pm
  • Green Party of California

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  • David Doonan
    published this page in Calendar 2023-08-17 14:39:13 -0400