Join the Green Party of Washington for a special community screening of 2040: The Regeneration.
Actions and Climate Solutions available today that will shape a Sustainable tomorrow!
Online film screening
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
7:00 PM – 10:00 PM PST
This is THE YEAR for climate action, and this film provides the positive solutions that we can implement today. It is a great cure for eco-anxiety and the perfect way to inspire you to action!
#JoinTheRegeneration and book your tickets today!
Award-winning director Damon Gameau (That Sugar Film) embarks on a journey to explore what the future could look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to improve our planet and shifted them rapidly into the mainstream. Structured as a visual letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Damon blends traditional documentary with dramatized sequences and high-end visual effects to create a vision board of how these solutions could regenerate the world for future generations.
Note: this screening has an attendance limit. Register now to confirm your spot!
In solidarity,
Green Party of Washington State
- January 20, 2021 at 7:00pm – 10pm
Green Party of Washington
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