2 weeks til Election Day!
Support Kati Medford Today!
Greetings Green Party members, supporters of Green candidates, and friends/family who live in Ward 13,
I am the campaign organizer for Kati Medford who is running for Minneapolis City Council, Ward 13 (Southwest Mpls). Part of the role of campaign organizer (manager) is to help bring in contributions because among other things campaigns require at least some financial backing. So we have just over 2 weeks left until Election Day and here I am reaching out one more time to ask for your support.
Kati is endorsed by the 5CD/Minneapolis Green Party, Our Revolution Twin Cities, and a growing number of Ward 13 community leaders and residents as well as Minneapolis candidates for other offices and other political leaders.
I have come to know Kati over the last several months. She is a very down to earth person, incredibly rock solid on the issues, and committed to listening to and acting upon the needs of Ward 13 residents and all who live in Minneapolis. Kati is an anti-capitalist, a police abolitionist, and active in the local mutual aid movement. Her top priorities are public safety, economic justice, and environmental action.
To learn more about Kati and her campaign you can visit her website/. For a recent short interview with Kati done by the Collective Social Network check out this video.
As I mentioned, we are in the final 2 weeks of the campaign and Kati could really use your financial support now as we gear up for the home stretch. Will you join me in supporting Kati with a donation today?
Together we can help put another Green on the Minneapolis City Council. Any contribution of $10, $25, $50, or more (up to $600) is greatly appreciated.
If you would like to donate online go to:
If you would like to donate by check, mail a check to:
Kati for Ward 13
PO Box 24416
Minneapolis, MN 55424
*please include your employer and occupation in the memo line*
Thank you for your consideration and in advance for your support.
Seth Kuhl-Stennes
Campaign Organizer, Kati for Ward 13
[email protected]
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