Election Results Update: 78% California Greens WON their elections!
The Green Party of California is thrilled to share Green Party’s latest successes! California Green candidates secured a total of 14 local office seats: 2 City Council, 4 School Board, 5 Water or Irrigation Board, and 3 additional positions. A special shout out to Randy Marx who received the highest number of votes, totaling 2,644 for the Fair Oaks Water District, Division 4 seat in Sacramento County.
These Green representatives, running on clean-money to serve their communities, inspire us to grow our party and support more Green candidates to do the same. We congratulate all 18 of these committed Green Party candidates who have stepped in to run and we extend our support to them.
Did you know that many of our winning candidates were incumbents and half were the only ones who filed for their offices and were therefore “automatically elected”?
There are many public seats that go uncontested in every election where a small grassroots Green Party campaign can win!
Would YOU like to run for office to serve your community in 2025 or 2026?
If so, NOW is the time to plan and get engaged with the Green Party of California. Learn more about how to RUN GREEN and contact our Candidates Committee for more information.
Preliminary Election Results:
See the full list of candidates below and at GPUS election database
Sylvia Chavez - ELECTED - City Council, Calipatria, Imperial County -incumbent. 1st/3 candidates for two seats, 423 votes, 39.39%
John Bailey - ELECTED - Ukiah Unified School District Trustee, Area 5, Mendocino County. 1st/2 for one seat, 1024 votes, 50.97%
Aqeela J. El-Amin Bakheit - ELECTED - County Board of Education,Trustee Area 1, Lake County. 1st/1 candidate for one seat, uncontested
Jocelyn Bolanos - ELECTED - Board of Directors, Alderpoint County Water District, Humboldt County. 1st/1 candidate for three seats, uncontested
Brian Donahue, School Board, Emery Unified School District, Alameda County. Blogpost
Harry Farmer - ELECTED - Cambria Community Services District, San Luis Obispo County - incumbent. 1st/3 candidates for three seats (tied), uncontested
Alan Hangar - ELECTED - Rural North Vacaville Water District, Solano County - incumbent. 1st/1 candidate for one seat, uncontested
Nancy Heliotes- ELECTED - Napa County Regional Park & Open Space Ward 4, Napa County - incumbent president. 1st/1 candidate for one seat, uncontested
- Jane Jarlsberg - ELECTED - Joshua Basin Water District, Division 3, San Bernardino County - incumbent. 1st/2 for one seat, 281 votes, 59.28%
Gabriel Medina - ELECTED - Governing Board, Trustee Area 3, Pajaro Valley Unified School District, Monterey, Santa Cruz County. 1st/2 for one seat,1566 votes 53.41%
Zachary Saltzberg - ELECTED - Gravenstein Union School District, Sebastopol, Sonoma County - incumbent. 1st/1 candidate for one seat, uncontested
Randy Marx - ELECTED - Fair Oaks Water District, Division 4, Sacramento County - incumbent. 1st/2 for one seat, 2644 votes, 71.65%
Chris Medeiros - ELECTED - Central California Irrigation District, Division 3, Merced County - incumbent. 1st/2 for one seat, 281 votes, 55.21%
Jesus “Jesse” Mendoza - ELECTED - City Council, Mendota, Fresno County. 1st/6 for four seats, 559 votes, 22.95%
Michael Petrelis, Bay Area Rapid Transit Board of Directors, District, 9, San Francisco County.
Eduardo Torres - ELECTED - Ambrose Recreation and & District, Contra Costa County - incumbent. 1st/1 candidate for two seats, uncontested
Robert ‘Bob’ Wichert, Sacramento Municipal Utility District Board of Directors, Ward 1, Sacramento County.
James E. Wright, Delano City Council, San Luis Obispo County. Facebook
Green Party of California
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