Thank you for your interest in getting involved in Alaska!
The Stein/Baraka campaign was on the ballot in Alaska in 2016 receiving over 4,000 votes!
We are currently working to secure ballot access for 2020 by collecting the 3,212 valid signatures required by the state. This actually means we will likely need to collect closer to 5,000 signatures before by the deadline of August 5th, 2020. If successful in getting on the ballot, one of our candidates will need to receive at least 3% of the statewide vote for us to maintain that access beyond 2020.
Interested in helping with our ballot access or helping to keep Greens on the ballot? Fill out the form at the bottom of this page to stay up to date with ballot access efforts, and use the links below to connect with Greens on social media, where a lot of the organizing and events are discussed. Please donate to the Ballot Access Committee Fund to help GPUS win ballot access in all 50 states!
Regional Ballot Access Coordinator: Brendan Phillips
E-mail: [email protected]
For anyone interested in Alaska ballot access, fill out the form at the bottom of this page to stay up to date with petitioning efforts, and use the links below to connect with Alaska Greens on social media, where a lot of the organizing and events are discussed.
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