Anti-War Teach-Ins – Can you help?
We need the help of Green Party activists to organize anti-war teach-ins. The Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX) is looking for people to reach out to peace and student groups and progressive faculty. This effort coincides with national and local peace actions. We are developing background materials and are looking for Green Party members who can be speakers. Please contact me or other GPAX members. Thanks.
I have proposed that the Green Party help organize anti-war teach-ins on "From Yemen to Venezuela: US Aggression Must End". We should be able to organize quite a few if we put a major effort into it, setting a goal of 20 to 25 teach-ins (nationwide). It is possible to organize 4 to 5 teach-ins here in Ohio. Targeting college campuses should be a priority. I believe this effort would help to build the peace movement and at the same time build the Green Party.
Anti-War Teach-Ins: "From Yemen to Venezuela US Aggression Must End"
There is a great need for peace education and outreach. Most Americans have little understanding of why we are at war and are fatigued by how long these wars have been going on. The peace movement needs to reach out to new constituencies.
I propose that we encourage peace groups to organize anti-war teach-ins on college campuses and in communities in the coming months.
For Jobs and Peace,
Logan Martinez
[email protected]
Green Party Peace Action Committee (GPAX), Dayton,Ohio