Join the Green Party of Brooklyn at the Atlantic Antic!
Calling all Greens and Friends! Calling all supporters of Jill Stein, Ajamu Baraka, and Robin Laverne Wilson!
Please join the Green Party of Brooklyn and our campaigns for a day of tabling at the Atlantic Antic.
The Atlantic Antic is the biggest street fair in Brooklyn. The Green Party of Brooklyn will table all day from 10am to 5pm. It's a great opportunity to get the word out about the Stein/Baraka presidential campaign and the Robin Laverne Wilson US Senate campaign to a diverse group of New Yorkers and tourists.
Volunteers are needed to staff the table and give out campaign literature throughout the crowd. Any amount of time you can devote to help is welcome!
Our table will be located on Atlantic Avenue between Smith and Hoyt Streets (near 337 Atlantic Avenue). Take the B,Q,2,3,4,5,D,N, or R to the Atlantic Ave/Barclays stop.
Sunday, September 25
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Atlantic Avenue between Smith and Hoyt Streets
For more information and to RSVP:
Web | Facebook
[email protected] | (347) 218-3107 voice / text
Dani Liebling
Green Party of Brooklyn