May 2017 Greater Boulder Green Party Newsletter
The Green Party stands in solidarity with indigenous nations fighting the Direct Access Pipeline (DAPL) at Standing Rock. We will consider a resolution to honor Greens from Colorado who have resisted DAPL and worked on-site at Standing Rock.
Upcoming Meeting
Saturday May 13th @ 3-5 p.m in the Flagstaff room, Main Branch Library, 1001 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, CO 80302
March For Science on Earth Day
The March for Science was the biggest march in Denver since the Women's March the day after Donald Trump was inaugurated. Thanks to everyone who worked to coordinate GPCO's participation in the march, marched with the Green Party, and volunteered with March for Science Denver.
This is Kevin Alumbaugh's account of the march:
It was a pretty impressive turnout. Apparently the lead marchers were returning to Civic Center Park before the end of the line had left. Begs the question how many potential Green voters were among the tens of thousands of enthusiastic and very concerned citizens that attended?
Scott Lupo and I carried the Green Party banner and talked to some folks. There was a woman and her kids behind us representing federal employees who told us that Trump was investigating federally-employed scientists who were attending this and other events and had the authority to fire them if they participated. Lots of cameras along the route so we speculated about facial recognition technology being used.
A quality line up of speakers (Harry was stuck at the Science and Policy table) in the amphitheater and enthusiastic crowd. And the weather cooperated too! When Gov Hick got up to speak the anti-fracking folks took to the steps and got in front of him and began chanting and nearly blocked him off with their signs. You could hardly hear him at times. He actually handled it pretty well-talked louder into the mic and paused a few times but it was a pretty short speech. Surprisingly no security reaction. A great morning all around!
How Corporate Trade Agreements Hurt You and Your Family
When: Saturday, May 20, 3:30-5 pm
Where: Flagstaff Room of the Boulder Main Library
Corporate trade agreements over-ride our laws, undermine protections to prevent a financial meltdown, destroy jobs, depress wages, pollute the environment, take away our sovereignty and local control, create prescription drug monopolies, and subject us to dangerous foods. Come learn how you can fight back. We won on TPP, let’s do the same for the upcoming corporate takeover deals (NAFTA renegotiation, TiSA, etc.)
Special Report: An existential question facing humankind is whom can be trusted to describe the world and its conflicts, especially since mainstream experts have surrendered to careerism, writes Robert Parry.
The Pro-War Twist of the Resistance
Exclusive: The anti-Trump “#Resistance” has become a movement to defend the Democratic establishment’s pro-war policies, to purge anti-war Democrats, and even to embrace Donald Trump’s attack on Syria, reports James W Carden.
The Price of Resistance by Chris Hedges
To resist radical evil is to endure a life that by the standards of the wider society is a failure. It is to defy injustice at the cost of your career, your reputation, your financial solvency and at times your life. It is to be a lifelong heretic. And, perhaps this is the most important point, it is to accept that the dominant culture, even the liberal elites, will push you to the margins and attempt to discredit not only what you do, but your character.
Key Democratic Officials Now Warning Base Not to Expect Evidence of Trump/Russia Collusion
Glenn Greenwald
Science And Wars Against The Environment
At the Boston Science March this past Saturday, April 22 , I did not notice any signs proclaiming “SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE, NOT FOR PROFIT” or “SCIENCE FOR PEACE, NOT FOR WAR.” Were there any? The few scientists I have known personally believe that science is value-free, unconcerned with politics or morality. It exists as pure truth born of the scientific method. And as the Science Guy exclaimed at the march in Washington, D.C., scientists can save the world.