Building the Green Party of Tennessee and the National Green Party
Elections are great for the short term building of the party. They accomplish name recognition. They accomplish wider understanding of what the party is about. However they do not do away with the Republican/Democratic lock-hold on the election system. We need to be going out speaking about the purpose of the Party. The actions including trying to get bills introduced at local, state and federal levels.
We do need to get people speaking at local events about the Party. Handouts doesn't accomplish much, how many leaflets or stuff left on your windshield have you read? How many Moose or other private clubs are looking for speakers for their meetings. So are public groups and even libraries.
One of the best places to talk about the party is in your home. Just ask your friends, neighbors or fellow workers if you can come over and talk about the Green Party. Or even better, throw a cookout and ask the same people to come.
Where ever you talk about the party is the right place and the people are the ones who need to learn about it.
Bob Smith
Three time candidate for congress as a Green
Green Party of Tennessee