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We are on the ballot in California through 2026.
The Green Party of California urges all people who want a just and sustainable world to claim their electoral power, register Green, exercise their democratic rights, and engage in local and state electoral politics. Iif you're interested in helping out in California in other ways, such as on local Green Party organizing (including elections), general promotion of the Green Party, voter registration, and other actions, please contact us at: [email protected]
For inquiries specifically related to candidates and elections in California, please contact Greg Jan at [email protected].
California Ballot Access
Email: [email protected]
Please sign up below to volunteer to help Greens to win ballot access in all 50 states + DC and territories. Also you can help to fund our nationwide ballot access efforts by making a donation to our Ballot Access Committee fund.
Use the links below to connect with California Greens online, where organizing and events are discussed.
California Green Party:
Facebook Group
Facebook Page
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